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Pronuncia di her in Inglese

  • suoi
  • suo
  • sue
  • di lei
  • proprio

Esempi dai film con Her

Though, I confess, I like her better than my last wife,
A Little Chaos - His Highness Phillipe
She was always asking me to go down to the river with her...
Take Me to the River - It Wasn't My Idea
the woman I'm sitting next to knows her way around that subject real well,
Bad Words - Autofellatio
so why don't you ask her when she gets back from droppin' her deuce?
Bad Words - Autofellatio
Whether you were in love with her, or whether she just put a spell on you.
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
Like when you first spotted her in the bookstore. Probably her idea, right?
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
And when you got down on your knees and you begged her to take the job.
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
Hello? Is that even really her nose?
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
Of course it's her real nose.
Bewitched - Uncle Arthur
Her chief distraction is the careful cultivation
High-Rise - The Architect
Are you saying that she just like dug herself out of her own grave
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
Was it a poison that didn't... That made her seem dead?
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
Shouldn't we call someone at like Harvard or MIT and have them study her?
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
Go and tell her what you wanted to tell her when you couldn't.
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!

Pronuncia audio di Her

Pronuncia americana

Her pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Her pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Her pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Her pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Her pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Her pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Her pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Her pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Her pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Her pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Her pronunciato da Brian (uomo)