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Pronuncia di minutes in Inglese

  • verbale

Esempi dai film con Minutes

I mean, standing in line for 40 minutes is hardly aerobically effective.
Clueless - Physical Education
I unbuttoned my jeans like five minutes ago just looking at this.
Eat Pray Love - Pizza Margherita in Napoli
- Coffee will be ready in a couple of minutes. - Oh, sounds good.
War Room - Hot or Cold?
No, they're for Arthur. I need them like, 15 minutes ago.
Definitely, Maybe - April the Copy Girl
- Seven minutes. - A bit less.
Ghost Town - You Died
I died for seven minutes.
Ghost Town - You Died
We found a little boy 10 minutes' walk from the track.
Child 44 - Blood On Our Hands
Attention Super Club shoppers. We're closing in five minutes.
Employee of the Month - Box Boy
So if you could please finish in five minutes, that would be great.
Employee of the Month - Box Boy
to be with him for all the minutes of his life.
Before Sunset - I Have These Dreams...
You know, I've got a meeting in 12 minutes.
Duplicity - All the Way In
I've been here 5 minutes, and I already feel sorry for myself.
Swordfish - I'm Ginger
is a few minutes of your time so that we can work things out.
Next - I'm Her Future
the police can have the center of the city sealed tight in fifteen minutes.
The Next Three Days - Planning a Prison Break
Downtown Pittsburgh, Philly, Boston, Minneapolis, fifteen minutes.
The Next Three Days - Planning a Prison Break
What if you can't get out? Thirty-five minutes is not a lot of time.
The Next Three Days - Planning a Prison Break
got like two minutes of face-time while you were sleeping?
Paul - Farting Buttholes
and I'd like to put that in the minutes.
The Boss - Dandelion Meeting
you black out if you don't have a Snickers bar like every 20 minutes,
Paul Blart: Mall Cop - Impossible to Underestimate
In five minutes, we kill unless you follow our demands!
6 Days - I Want to Help You

Pronuncia audio di Minutes

Pronuncia americana

Minutes pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Minutes pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Minutes pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Minutes pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Minutes pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Minutes pronunciato da Brian (uomo)