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Pronuncia di safe in Inglese

  • cassaforte
  • cassa
  • al sicuro
  • salvo
  • protetto
  • prudente
  • incolume
  • non pericoloso
  • cauto
  • illeso

Esempi dai film con Safe

we need to go to the least populated place we can to be safe.
The Happening - Talking to Plants
it's probably safe to get away from people right now.
The Happening - Talking to Plants
- Yeah. It's "calypso." - Man, it's pretty early for a safe word.
Trainwreck - I Scored on LeBron James
- It is. - Wow - Second date, we had a safe word.
Trainwreck - I Scored on LeBron James
Now, don't worry about your little charge. She'll be in safe hands.
All About Eve - Fasten Your Seatbelts
Jack Hardy. He worked for a safe company before he did a six-year bit.
Casino - Dominick & the Desperadoes
- Is it safe? - Yeah, it should be fine.
Iron Man - Is It Safe?
Yeah, well, now bringing me in safe and sound is doin' your job!
Bulletproof - I'm Your God
- I think these things are pretty safe. - Don't pander with me kid.
Star Trek - Kirk Meets Bones
My favorite birthday gift was knowing everyone got home safe.
Sisters - Very Different Diaries
If this is a dream, and you have a safe full of secrets...
Inception - The Most Skilled Extractor
We're going north to the Balad safe house.
Body of Lies - You Milked Him
They also said that artificial sweeteners were safe and...
Shooter - Mister Rate's Advice
I could do it, but you have to let me out of the safe first.
Leprechaun 2 - Three Wishes
Yes, God damn it. I wish you out of the safe.
Leprechaun 2 - Three Wishes
Some place where there's people, so I feel safe.
The Godfather - It's Strictly Business
and even our enemies, to feel safe and secure.
Dave - Extending the Gig
...when there's nobody around and you know it's safe?
Dave - Extending the Gig
Jonathon! Until you get laid, none of us are safe!
Class - Jesus Is My Roommate

Pronuncia audio di Safe

Pronuncia americana

Safe pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Safe pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Safe pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Safe pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Safe pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Safe pronunciato da Brian (uomo)