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Pronuncia di she in Inglese

  • femmina

Esempi dai film con She

Tom Robinson was to her a daily reminder... of what she did.
To Kill a Mockingbird - Mayella's Guilt
She is a one of the greatest and most complex character ever written.
You've Got Mail - Very First Zinger
That Euro-flash GQ type she's going out with has got big bucks...
Wall Street - Money Never Sleeps
What's she doing with that big-ass key?
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
- Oh, shit! - Is she writing on it?
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
- Daddy, she sprayed me! - Shut up, you little punk!
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
- She gonna fuck you up! - She sprayed a player!
Next Friday - Auntie Suga
Boy, she must have breezed through high school.
Bridesmaids - Pity Party
Grace said she wasn't having a party this year.
The Purge - Time for Lockdown
She's nice. But, wow, she's annoying.
The Purge - Time for Lockdown
She had a little pudge on her stomach but I ain't pay no attention to it.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
Come to find out she's 6 months pregnant.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
I got a restraining order on her and she don't care nothing about that.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
and she don't care about no restraining order or not.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
I was on my way to buy them and she had a Carl Jr. burger in her hand.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems
She must be worse than Left Eye from TLC or something.
Next Friday - Day-Day's Problems

Pronuncia audio di She

Pronuncia americana

She pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
She pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
She pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
She pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
She pronunciato da Salli (donna)
She pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
She pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
She pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

She pronunciato da Amy (donna)
She pronunciato da Emma (donna)
She pronunciato da Brian (uomo)