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Pronuncia di shouldn't in Inglese

non dovrebbe

Esempi dai film con Shouldn't

You know, but... Shouldn't I find something to do?
Julie & Julia - I Love to Eat
Tracy, you're a first responder. Shouldn't you go?
It's a Disaster - Radio
Why did you tell me I shouldn't trust Nathan?
Ex Machina - You're Causing the Cuts
Shouldn't we call someone at like Harvard or MIT and have them study her?
Life After Beth - It's a Resurrection!
Shouldn't you be doing research at MIT or something?
Ghost Team - Sucky Ghosts
I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up.
Realive - I Need Your Help
Call it girlfriend I shouldn't have to check the schedule to see her
Lars and the Real Girl - We Do It for You
Then shouldn't going to New York and the book expo be part of that dream?
Fifty Shades Darker - Going the Extra Mile
You shouldn't have stolen from me, Brother. Now you must pay.
Hitman - A Gut Bomb
Well, maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man.
Twilight: New Moon - Happy Birthday
And why shouldn't God's anointed appear here
Hail, Caesar! - Got Most Of It
You still owe large two places you shouldn't.
The Gambler - You Drink?
and you shouldn't have to leave because of something I did.
Peter Rabbit - Forgiveness
You, you, you shouldn't have to leave.
Peter Rabbit - Forgiveness
We shouldn't have left Brad alone. - No, it wouldn't have mattered.
Truth or Dare - Olivia's Darkest Secret
Maybe l shouldn't have come. I mean, I can tell this is a big shock for you.
What a Girl Wants - I'm Your Daughter

Pronuncia audio di Shouldn't

Pronuncia americana

Shouldn't pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Shouldn't pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Shouldn't pronunciato da Brian (uomo)