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What a Girl Wants - I'm Your Daughter (It)

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    Categoria: Movie Scenes
    sceneggiatura video
    parole da studiare

    Morning. Morning, mother. Morning, darling.

    Everyone sleep well?

    Apparently not.

    There's someone at the window. And l'm not hallucinating this time.

    lt's those bloody paparazzi again.

    Percy, call the police. l will not tolerate this media circus!

    -Where do you think you're going? -lt's you!

    How long do you people have to spy on me

    before you realize there's no story here?

    - I think you've got the wrong idea. -Tell it to the authorities.

    You know, the real scandal is how young they're starting you guttersnipes now.

    You sit down and tell me who sent you. The Sun? The Daily Star?

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