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Pronuncia di their in Inglese

  • il loro
  • i loro
  • proprio

Esempi dai film con Their

Growing boy-like creatures need their strength.
Minions - One Evil Family
All righty! Who needs to stretch their legs?
Minions - One Evil Family
Everyone did their best to console me, particularly Aunt Jenny.
Dirty Work - Don't Take No Crap From Nobody
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
The Sound of Music - My Favorite Things
Wild geese that fly with the moon on their wings
The Sound of Music - My Favorite Things
so I used to turn their fuckin' pictures all around.
Casino - Dominick & the Desperadoes
flew in every year on their own nickel and left behind about a billion dollars.
Casino - A Hell of a Handicapper
that blame the world for their problems.
Bridesmaids - Pity Party
...who were paying me to make their lives a little bit better.
Dave - The Whole Truth
I swear. Sometimes I think these toys have a mind of their own.
Scary Movie 2 - The Caretaker
Why did you have to suck their dick?
Clerks - 37 Cocks
Then their mother came out and said,
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
Their mother smiled and said with a purr,
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
Their mother replied, with a voice like silk,
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
rubbed their eyes and started to yawn.
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
We can't sleep, we can't even try. Then their mother sang a lullaby.
Despicable Me - Bedtime Story
And their cash flows from the tables
Casino - The Count Room
Every family's got their own set of problems.
Brothers - Family Dinner
Every family has their own set of problems.
Brothers - Family Dinner
so they've rooted their whole theory of existence on their uniqueness.
Lucy - Time is the Answer
"One" is their unit of measure. But it's not.
Lucy - Time is the Answer

Pronuncia audio di Their

Pronuncia americana

Their pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
Their pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
Their pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
Their pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
Their pronunciato da Salli (donna)
Their pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
Their pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
Their pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

Their pronunciato da Amy (donna)
Their pronunciato da Emma (donna)
Their pronunciato da Brian (uomo)