Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.

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Pronuncia di this in Inglese

  • questo
  • questa
  • presente
  • così

Esempi dai film con This

Now, I know it's not much, but this is just the beginning.
Kick-Ass 2 - Justice Forever
Have any of you mentioned this note to anyone?
Dirty Harry - That's My Policy
You're gonna play this creep's game?
Dirty Harry - That's My Policy
I agree with the chief. We'll do it this way, all right?
Dirty Harry - That's My Policy
the party is over as of this morning.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
and they believe it is better that this turmoil begin with us.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
understand the implications of this sale
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
For those of you who have never been through this before,
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
this is what the beginning of a fire sale looks like.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
Obviously, this is not going down the way that any of us would have hoped, but.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
this is obviously a very, very unique situation.
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
I've been at this place 34 years,
Margin Call - A Fire Sale
Well, actually, nobody on this planet ever really chooses each other.
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
Hey, Annie, what's all this molecule stuff?
Bull Durha - What Crash Believes
Well, this guy can stay in my room, I'll tell you that much.
Billy Madison - Billy at Dinner
Well, gentlemen, I can't thank you enough for coming out here this evening.
Billy Madison - Billy at Dinner
This is beautiful. Welcome to the Chesterfield South.
Rounders - Atlantic City Suckers
Rod Randall is back from the dead? How dumb is this?
Soapdish - Script Changes
Never mind, never mind. I will work this out myself.
Soapdish - Script Changes
What is this horseshit? I'm Montana's mother?
Soapdish - Script Changes
Sorry. I thought this was my dressing room.
Soapdish - Script Changes
Only this time, I'm gonna stick my tongue in your mouth.
Cruel Intentions - Getting to First Base
Nothing, exactly. It's just this feeling I have, like...
Serendipity - The Groom's Gift
I've dreamed about this my entire life, and... and...
Serendipity - The Groom's Gift

Pronuncia audio di This

Pronuncia americana

This pronunciato da Ivy (bambino, ragazza)
This pronunciato da Joanna (donna)
This pronunciato da Kendra (donna)
This pronunciato da Kimberly (donna)
This pronunciato da Salli (donna)
This pronunciato da Joey (uomo)
This pronunciato da Justin (bambino, ragazzo)
This pronunciato da Matthew (uomo)

Pronuncia britannica

This pronunciato da Amy (donna)
This pronunciato da Emma (donna)
This pronunciato da Brian (uomo)