Ucz się prawdziwego angielskiego z książek i filmów.

Dodawaj słowa i zwroty, by uczyć się ich i ćwiczyć z innymi uczniami.


Present perfect simple and time adverbs ćwiczenia

Wróć do filmu
  • Phrase 1/24

    We’ve just donejust donejust have done the shopping thats why Ive got shopping bags in my hands!

  • Phrase 2/24

    Ialready have seen‘ve just seen’ve already seen this film, lets watch another one

  • Phrase 3/24

    He hasn’t been tohas been tohasn’t been in this country before, hes excited about seeing a new country

  • Phrase 4/24

    I’ve still got‘ve already gotstill have got your shoes in my house, its been a long time - can you come and get them?

  • Phrase 5/24

    She has already lovedhas lovedhas always loved chocolate - she loved it as a child and she loves it more now!

  • Phrase 6/24

    Theyve lived here sincebeforefor January 2000, its been good

  • Phrase 7/24

    Ive been here foraftersince 2 hours, why are you late?

  • Phrase 8/24

    We‘ve always been’ve never been‘ve already been to that doctor so I dont know what will happen when we go

  • Phrase 9/24

    He hasn’t just donehas still donestill hasn’t done his homework and Ive told him to do it many times!

  • Phrase 10/24

    She still hasn’t dressedhasn’t always dressedhas always dressed this way she used to be very unfashionable

  • Phrase 11/24

    I havent seen you here alreadybeforeyet - who are you?

  • Phrase 12/24

    I havent finished cooking the chicken beforeyetalready, itll be ready in 10 minutes

  • Phrase 13/24

    He just hasn’t understoodhas never understoodhas always understood the question, maybe you ask him again

  • Phrase 14/24

    What countries have you already beenhave you just beenhas you already been to? I heard you travelled a lot when you were younger

  • Phrase 15/24

    Have you never beenHave you still comeHave you just come back from the park? You have got dirty shoes

  • Phrase 16/24

    What have she always liked tohas she always liked tohas she just liked to eat for breakfast? Youve known her for a long time so you can help me

  • Phrase 17/24

    Have you just gotHave you always gotHave you still got any mushrooms? I saw them yesterday and Id like some if you have any

  • Phrase 18/24

    Has she never been there yetalreadybefore? I thought she had, its a popular place

  • Phrase 19/24

    He’s just won‘s already won‘s still won the race! Look how happy he is!

  • Phrase 20/24

    They have always enjoyedhave just enjoyedhave never enjoyed house parties thats why they dont come to them

  • Phrase 21/24

    He hasnt seen any ghosts in this house forsince 12 years

  • Phrase 22/24

    Have you started making lunch beforeyetago? You said you would cook it an hour ago

  • Phrase 23/24

    I‘ve always got’ve still got‘ve just got your old hat in my cupboard. If you want it, come and get it

  • Phrase 24/24

    Weve never eaten at this restaurant beforesinceyet so I hope that the food is good!