"Come on, motherfucker.
Put your clothes on, come on. Asshole!"
"You lousy punk!"
"Fuck you!"
"Why don't you call your mommy?"
"You're a fucking drunk."
"Yeah, I'm a fucking drunk..."
"Come on, motherfucker."
"...but you're a lousy lowlife
Who can't do nothin' for himself."
Acid casualty with the repossessed car
Vietnam vet playing air guitar
It's just the shitkickin'
sweat - pocić się
stained - poplamione
repossessed - przejęty
playing - gra
ooooh - ooooh
naked - nagi
psychotic - psychotyczny
neighbors - sąsiadów
motherfucker - skurwielu
motherf - motherf
lowlife - lowlife
lousy - parszywy
clothes - ubranie
greasy - tłusty
cigarette - papieros
edged - krawędziowane
breakdown - awaria
asshole - dupek
beast - bestia
creep - pełzanie
backwoods - ostępy
bucktoothed - obluzowane
vietnam - Wietnam
never - nigdy
double - podwójnie
grizzly - siwy
belly - brzuszek
downstairs - na dół
whiskey - whisky
growing - rozwój
casualty - wypadek
drunk - pijany
mommy - mamusia
fucking - pierdolony
honey - kochanie
goodness - dobroć
sleep - sen
grease - smar
screaming - krzycząc
guitar - gitara
yellow - żółty
himself - samego siebie
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