A-yo ice, man. i'm working on this term paper for college. what's the
First amendment?
Freedom of speech, that's some motherfuckin' bullshit
You say the wrong thing, they'll lock your ass up quick
The fcc says "profanity - no airplay"?
They can suck my dick while i take a shit all day
Think i give a fuck about some silly bitch named gore?
Yo pmrc, here we go, raw
Yo tip, what's the matter? you ain't gettin' no dick?
You're bitchin' about rock'n'roll, that's censorship, dumb bitch
The constitution says we all got a right to speak
Say what we want tip, your argument is weak
Censor records, tv, school books too
And who decides what's right to hear? you?
Hey pmrc, you stupid fuckin' assholes
The sticker on the record is what makes 'em sell gold
Can't you see, you alcoholic idiots
The more you try to suppress us, the larger we get
[you have the right to remain silent]
Fuck that right! i want the right to talk
I want the right to speak, i want the right to walk
Where i wanna, yell and i'm gonna
Tell and rebel every time i'm on a
Microphone on the stage cold illin'
The knowledge i drop will be heard by millions
We ain't the problems, we ain't the villains
It's the suckers deprivin' the truth from our children
You can't hide the fact, jack
There's violence in the streets every day, any fool can recognise that
But you try to lie and lie
wrong - źle
world - świat
working - pracujący
witch - czarownica
while - podczas gdy
whatever - cokolwiek
violence - przemoc
villains - złoczyńcy
trying - próbować
truth - Prawda
where - gdzie
thought - myśl
though - chociaż
those - te
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
suckers - ssaki
stupid - głupi
sticker - naklejka
wanna - chcę
start - początek
stage - etap
sponsors - sponsorzy
south - południe
streets - ulice
sleeve - rękaw
slack - luźny
girlie - dziewuszka
profanity - bluźnierstwo
freedom - wolność
first - pierwszy
radio - Radio
falls - spada
motherfuckers - motherfuckers
dominoes - domino
everybody - wszyscy
microphone - mikrofon
motherfucker - skurwielu
decides - decyduje
columbus - columbus
speech - przemówienie
college - szkoła wyższa
change - Zmiana
starts - zaczyna się
remain - pozostawać
damned - cholernie
censor - cenzor
yours - twój
visit - odwiedzić
quick - szybki
amendment - poprawka
follow - śledzić
about - o
bitch - suka
information - informacja
above - powyżej
throw - rzucać
listen - słuchać
makes - czyni
constitution - konstytucja
censorship - cenzura
rebel - buntownik
saying - powiedzenie
silly - głupi
always - zawsze
alcoholic - alkoholowy
anything - byle co
other - inny
fails - nie
arrested - aresztowany
chain - łańcuch
outro - outro
paper - papier
click - kliknij
assholes - dupki
argument - argument
bands - kołnierz sutanny i togi
gotta - musieć
creek - zatoczka
bobby - konstabl
apple - jabłko
believe - uwierzyć
better - lepszy
blind - ślepy
wicked - niegodziwy
books - książki
today - dzisiaj
jello - galaretka
bring - przynieść
minute - chwila
children - dzieci
gonna - gonna
access - Dostęp
bullshit - głupie gadanie
magazines - czasopism
happen - zdarzyć
heard - słyszał
brown - brązowy
public - publiczny
words - Słowa
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