Chose a life in circuses

Jumped into the deepest end

Pushing himself to all extremes

Made it - people became his friend.

Now they stood and noticed him

Wanted to be part of it

Pulled out some poor machinery

So he worked 'til the pieces fit.

The people were intrigued

His wife held back her fears

The headlines gave acclaim

He'd realized their dreams.

Faster than a bullet from a gun

He is faster than everyone

Quicker than the blinking of an eye

Like a flash you could miss him going by

No one knows quite how he does it but it's true they say

He's the master of going faster.

worked - pracował
wonder - cud
tried - wypróbowany
there - tam
their - ich
stood - stanął
still - nadal
special - specjalny
hearts - kiery
everyone - każdy
friend - przyjaciel
crowds - tłumy
fears - Obawy
dreams - marzenia
blinking - migający
jumped - skoczył
could - mógłby
jealousies - zazdrości
people - ludzie
faster - szybciej
crazy - zwariowany
pushing - popychanie
acclaim - oklaskiwać
extremes - skrajności
master - mistrz
share - dzielić
chose - wybrał
wanted - chciał
going - chodzenie
moved - przeniósł
flash - migać
bullet - Kula
realize - realizować
circuses - cyrki
deepest - najgłębsze
nothing - nic
himself - samego siebie
intrigued - zaintrygowany
knows - wie
right - dobrze
machinery - maszyneria
where - gdzie
headlines - nagłówki
noticed - zauważył
pieces - kawałki
frail - wątły
hoped - miał nadzieję
realized - realizowany
pouring - zsyp
pulled - pociągnął
quicker - szybciej
quite - całkiem
became - stało się
space - przestrzeń
filling - nadzienie
spare - zapasowy

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