Your eyes, so crystal green

Sour apple baby, but you taste so sweet

You got hips like Jagger and two left feet

And I wonder if you'd like to meet

Your voice is velvet through a telephone

You can come to mine, but both my roommates are home

Think I know a bar where they would leave us alone

And I wonder if you'd take it slow

Oh, we're dancin' in my living room, and up come my fists

And I say I'm only playing, but the truth is this

That I've never seen a mouth that I would kill to kiss

And I'm terrified, but I can't resist

And I say

Beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms and I know

That beautiful strangers only come along to do me wrong

And I hope, beautiful stranger, here you are in my arms

wrong - źle
would - by
place - miejsce
leave - pozostawiać
strangers - obcy
playing - gra
stuck - utknął
living - życie
truth - Prawda
jagger - radełko
street - ulica
alone - sam
think - myśleć
along - wzdłuż
teeth - zęby
between - pomiędzy
mouth - usta
wonder - cud
apple - jabłko
finally - wreszcie
roommates - współlokatorzy
loving - kochający
beautiful - piękny
where - gdzie
guitar - gitara
meant - oznaczało
green - zielony
chase - Pościg
crystal - kryształ
candy - cukierek
recognized - uznane
fists - pięści
singing - śpiewanie
stopped - zatrzymany
right - dobrze
stranger - nieznajomy
sweet - słodkie
painful - bolesny
taste - Smak
never - nigdy
telephone - telefon
purer - czystsze
terrified - przerażony
voice - głos
resist - opierać się
through - przez
tracks - utwory
velvet - aksamit

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