I get lost sometimes, like everybody else,

lose track of my lifelines, lose track of myself

And there\'s all kinds of reasons to be scared and run away

It\'s a good time for sad times like heaven couldn\'t be farther from the places, that heaven always finds me,

but if nobody cares, tell me how is it I keep getting saved this way

It\'s a sunrise from a lonely night

Like a smile in a stranger\'s eyes

It\'s the moments that save my life, nobody knows about

Like flashlights

there\'s just enough hope when it shines, to go one scared step at a time

When the world\'s too dark I\'ll find, your flashlight

I\'m glad nobody\'s counting, and Lord I\'m glad you don\'t keep score

My prayers are all the same as the ones I prayed before it

Thank you, but forgive me, my rough around the edges heart is yours

And the moments where you swear I\'m just screaming at the sky,

It\'s the strangest conversation or a friend just stopping by

and it\'s funny when I realize all the places that your miracles can hide

Like a sunrise from a lonely night

world - świat
where - gdzie
touched - wzruszony
thank - podziękować
sunrise - wschód słońca
strangers - obcy
stranger - nieznajomy
heart - serce
cares - troska
getting - coraz
farther - dalej
smile - uśmiech
sometimes - czasami
finds - stwierdza
prayers - modły
strangest - najdziwniejszy
friend - przyjaciel
flashlights - latarki
nobody - nikt
yours - twój
there - tam
places - miejsca
reasons - powody
flashlight - latarka
score - wynik
enough - dość
before - przed
stopping - zatrzymanie
forgive - przebaczyć
everybody - wszyscy
finding - Odkrycie
divine - boski
lonely - samotny
around - na około
about - o
always - zawsze
heaven - niebo
water - woda
night - noc
couldn - couldn
knows - wie
shining - świecący
conversation - rozmowa
light - lekki
track - tor
edges - krawędzie
kinds - rodzaje
times - czasy
miracles - cuda
counting - rachunkowość
moments - chwile
myself - siebie
prayed - modliłem się
swear - przysięgać
scared - przerażony
funny - zabawny
realize - realizować
rough - szorstki
saved - zapisane
screaming - krzycząc
shines - várj

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