Hit me last night like a ton of bricks,

if this is really it, this is starting over

There\'s no should\'ve, could\'ve, would\'ve said this, done that, no turning back, no more I wonders

No harm done, no hard feelings,

maybe some other time but gives me some peace of mind

If that was the end of the ride, I\'m getting back in line

Cause I\'m telling you

there\'s nothing like starting over,

there\'s nothing like shedding a heartache,

writing a new page to say what you wanna say

There\'s nothing like a heart wide open,

that bittersweet comfort of knowing you can let go and take the weight off your shoulders

There\'s nothing like starting over,

there\'s nothing like starting over

Love\'s got a way of letting you know when the time to hold on or time to let go, tells you so

It\'s the cold in the kiss, of looking away,

wrong - źle
writing - pisanie
wonders - cuda
through - przez
tells - mówi
starting - startowy
shoulders - ramiona
shedding - rozsiewanie światła
science - nauka
weight - waga
right - dobrze
rethink - przemyślenie
there - tam
reset - nastawić
reposition - repozycja
really - naprawdę
getting - coraz
feels - czuje
wonder - cud
condition - Stan
wanna - chcę
feelings - uczucia
could - mógłby
would - by
bricks - cegły
knowing - porozumiewawczy
turning - obrócenie
comfort - komfort
bittersweet - Słodko-gorzki
cause - przyczyna
gives - daje
heart - serce
should - powinien
letting - pozwolić
lonely - samotny
nothing - nic
telling - wymowny
looking - patrząc
night - noc
makes - czyni
maybe - może
peace - pokój
heartache - ból serca
number - numer
other - inny

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