You would think for all the days I've known you

that I would have you memorized by now

with every question answered, every single page turned

but you just keep me on the edge somehow

every day with you is still a mystery

The sweetest stories falling from your lips

and I hold on to every world, like it's the first one that I've heard

It's the only time I've ever felt like this

After all this time you'd think I'd be used to the pull of your gravity

After flying so high for so long, who would think

would - by
world - świat
through - przez
sweetest - najsłodszy
street - ulica
single - Pojedynczy
still - nadal
question - pytanie
nervous - nerwowy
mystery - zagadka
reasons - powody
million - milion
favorite - ulubiony
turned - obrócony
every - dejte pozor
stories - opowieści
heard - słyszał
after - po
known - znany
learning - uczenie się
because - bo
minute - chwila
about - o
first - pierwszy
somehow - jakoś
answered - odpowiedział
sunrise - wschód słońca
memories - wspomnienia
drive - Napęd
night - noc
always - zawsze
falling - spadanie
memorized - zapamiętany
spark - iskra
reach - dosięgnąć
gravity - powaga
holding - trzymać
think - myśleć
something - coś
flying - latający
light - lekki
lights - Światła
crazy - zwariowany
making - zrobienie

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