The summer's over, this town is closing.

They're waving people out of the ocean.

We have the feeling like we were floating.

We never noticed where time was going.

Do you remember when we first got here?

The days were longer; the nights were hot here.

Now, it's September; the engine's started.

You're empty-handed and heavy-hearted.

But just remember on the way home (ooh ooh ooh)

That you were never meant to feel alone.

It takes a little while, but you'd be fine:

Another good time coming down the line.

while - podczas gdy
where - gdzie
waving - falowanie
unpack - rozpakować
trust - zaufanie
started - rozpoczęty
small - mały
short - krótki
often - często
ocean - ocean
september - wrzesień
noticed - zauważył
nobody - nikt
nights - noce
never - nigdy
going - chodzenie
takes - trwa
feeling - uczucie
rented - wynajęty
forever - na zawsze
remember - zapamiętaj
first - pierwszy
hating - nienawidzić
closing - zamknięcie
floating - ruchomy
alone - sam
another - inne
grass - trawa
greener - bardziej ekologiczny
running - bieganie
meant - oznaczało
yourself - siebie
swear - przysięgać
handed - wręczony
waiting - czekanie
coming - przyjście
hearted - z serca
heavy - ciężki
empty - pusty
might - moc
people - ludzie
little - mało
makes - czyni
heaven - niebo
longer - dłużej

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