Walkin' in the park just the other day, baby,

What do you, what do you think I saw?

Crowds of people sittin' on the grass with flowers in their hair said,

''Hey, Boy, do you wanna score?''

And you know how it is;

I really don't know what time it was, woh, oh,

So I asked them if I could stay awhile.

I didn't notice but it had got very dark and I was really,

Really out of my mind.

Just then a policeman stepped up to me and asked us said,

''Please, hey, would we care to all get in line,

Get in line.''

where - gdzie
trying - próbować
today - dzisiaj
think - myśleć
their - ich
streets - ulice
stepped - krok po kroku
state - stan
spirits - duchy
spare - zapasowy
there - tam
sitting - posiedzenie
which - który
shelf - półka
score - wynik
really - naprawdę
yourself - siebie
flowers - kwiaty
crowds - tłumy
decided - zdecydowany
wanna - chcę
fight - walka
asked - spytał
packing - uszczelka
describe - opisać
people - ludzie
could - mógłby
awhile - chwila
coming - przyjście
friends - przyjaciele
would - by
better - lepszy
grass - trawa
hills - wzgórza
pressure - nacisk
gonna - gonna
misty - mglisty
mountains - Góry
notice - Ogłoszenie
policeman - policjant
other - inny

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