(feat. Brisco, Busta Rhymes)

La, la la la, la, la la la la


[Lil Wayne]


Sittin in a Caddy, bright like Batty

Floatin up the aisle like the bride and her daddy

Hip-hop addict, hip-hop addict

Man I swear I'm on top like the attic

Yeah bitch, I be with my dog like Shaggy

And we stay clean but get dirty like Harry

Flyer than bluebirds, cardinals and canaries

Fuck me, I'm all about "Oui" like Paris

Hilton Presidential Suite already

I'm richer than Nicole and I'm a Lion like her Daddy

I'm am hotter than the Sunday after Saturday

I swear I'm a savage like Lil Webbie and Randy

Oscar De La Hoya, box you like a casket

Or Diego Coralles, nigga keep jabbin

See my style it varies, like drugs in an alley

My leather so soft my paint prettier than Halle

Wittier than comedy, nigga write a parody

But I ain't tellin jokes...apparently

Apparent, yeah my daughter be the twinkle of my eye

You hurt her, you kill me and nigga I ain't bout to die

See y'all are at ground, and my daughter is my sky

I swear I look in her face and I just want to break out and fly

Four tears in my face and you ain't never heard me cry

I'm richer than all y'all, I got a bank full of pride


Ow, started out hustlin, ended up ballin

Nigga I'm the shit, get the fuck up out my toilet

women - kobiety
woman - kobieta
where - gdzie
wayne - wayne
valley - dolina
wittier - wittier
under - pod
twinkle - migotanie
toilet - toaleta
thump - uderzenie
through - przez
trust - zaufanie
these - te
tellin - tellin
tears - łzy
syndrome - Zespół
swear - przysięgać
stream - Strumień
sprinkle - posypać
sickle - sierp
savage - brutalny
rhymes - rymy
while - podczas gdy
revenue - dochód
vicious - złośliwy
randy - krzykliwy
diego - diego
shine - połysk
bright - jasny
motor - silnik
daughter - córka
countin - liczyć się
comedy - komedia
detroit - detroit
color - kolor
caviar - kawior
ballin - Ballin
busta - Busta
cameras - Kamery
cardinals - Kardynałowie
movin - ruch
never - nigdy
persons - osób
cream - krem
dirty - brudny
casket - kasetka
mention - wzmianka
bling - bling
nicole - nicole
wrapper - obwoluta
paint - farba
pigeon - gołąb
vegas - vegas
attic - poddasze
janet - janet
diamonds - diamenty
pride - duma
about - o
addict - nałogowiec
ready - gotowy
believe - uwierzyć
after - po
caddy - caddie
vision - Wizja
another - inne
daddy - tatuś
honey - kochanie
planet - planeta
richer - bogatszy
already - już
aisle - przejście
batty - zwariowany
bentley - bentley
shaggy - kudłaty
jokes - żarty
canaries - Wyspy Kanaryjskie
mattress - materac
bluebirds - niebieskie ptaki
flawless - bez skazy
diagnosed - zdiagnozowano
conceive - pojąć
bride - panna młoda
suite - zestaw
caliber - kaliber
brain - mózg
break - Przerwa
ended - zakończył się
nigga - nigga
first - pierwszy
flyer - ulotka
write - pisać
clean - czysty
berry - jagoda
fuckin - kurwa
weezy - weezy
started - rozpoczęty
bitch - suka
girlfriend - dziewczyna
alley - aleja
glass - szkło

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