This is an SCG3 special report with Sam Romero.

Sam Romero:

Good evening, Im Sam Romero. We continue our special report now on the so called monster invasion. As of 11 AM today the president has declared the nation to be under martial law. Reports coming in now indicate that mass hysteria continues to spread throughout the globe. It is not yet confirmed by officials what is causing these horrific events. But it is suggested by certain sources that these creatures that are now being spotted throughout the world are neither human nor are they wild animals. It is strongly advised that people should stay indoors and if you encounter one of these beings do not try to make contact with them they will attack without warning. Our very own William Tracy in the sky is now reporting. Will?

William Tracey:

Sam, were here hovering over down town where the monsters are literally swarming the city. The freeways are clogged, there is absolutely no way out of down town. These creatures theyre incredibly strong, a few minutes ago we saw one actually pick up an SUV, and throw it at a clump of people. And then Eh Zoom in on that, yeah, are we getting that? Its actually looking at us! Its its climbing! Its, no, pull up! PULL UP! PULL

world - świat
without - bez
where - gdzie
warning - ostrzeżenie
understandable - zrozumiale
under - pod
transmission - transmisja
trace - ślad
thunderous - a tanulás megkezdése
though - chociaż
these - te
swallowing - łykanie
suffering - cierpienie
strongly - silnie
strong - silny
still - nadal
standing - na stojąco
spotted - cętkowany
special - specjalny
sounds - dźwięki
somethings - coś
someone - ktoś
satellite - satelita
reports - sprawozdania
reporting - sprawozdawczości
spread - rozpiętość
reckoning - rachunek
quake - drżeć
swarms - Roje
causing - spowodowanie
drove - stado
there - tam
creatures - stworzeń
thing - rzecz
encounter - spotkanie
continues - trwa
citizens - obywateli
chances - szanse
technical - techniczny
officials - urzędników
today - dzisiaj
circle - okrąg
choose - wybierać
throughout - poprzez
despair - rozpacz
false - fałszywy
declared - zdeklarowany
being - istota
blood - krew
plague - plaga
tracy - tracy
grind - szlifować
broadcast - nadawanie
bullshit - głupie gadanie
those - te
animals - zwierząt
adjust - dostosować
clogged - tıkanmış
about - o
swarming - swarming
continue - kontyntynuj
absolutely - absolutnie
earth - ziemia
dominion - panowanie
advised - rozmyślny
william - william
infiltrating - infiltracja
blown - nadęty
disciplinary - dyscyplinarny
blind - ślepy
homes - domy
clump - kępa
their - ich
follow - śledzić
drown - utopić
people - ludzie
sources - źródeł
fuming - wściekły
throw - rzucać
decomposing - rozkładający się
romero - romero
attack - atak
humans - ludzi
streets - ulice
certain - pewny
block - blok
action - czynność
behold - ujrzeć
beings - Istoty
happening - wydarzenie
climbing - wspinaczka
contact - kontakt
control - kontrola
bones - kości
fools - głupcy
little - mało
called - nazywa
walking - pieszy
evening - wieczór
smell - zapach

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