P.L.O. style, Buddha monks with the Owls

P.L.O. style, Buddha monks with the Owls

P.L.O. style, Buddha monks with the Owls

P.L.O. style...

Here comes the ruckus, the motherfuckin' ruckus

Thousands of cut-throats and purse-snatchin' fucks

Straight from the brain, I'll be givin' you the pain, anger

Comin' from the 36th Chamber, Bang!

Tical, hittin' with the Buddha-Fist style

Shotgun slammin' in your chestpiece, plow!

Brain, is blown all over the terrain

Like a man without no arms you can't hang

Time for a change of the guard

You've been arrested for lyric fraud now you hard

For real, check it, I pull strings like B.B. King on guitar

without - bez
whatever - cokolwiek
weave - splot
unless - chyba że
together - razem
thousands - tysiące
thoughts - myśli
terrain - teren
tangled - splątane
guard - strzec
shotgun - flinta
decieve - odmówić
comes - pochodzi
passion - pasja
commercial - reklama w telewizji
check - czek
family - rodzina
night - noc
change - Zmiana
arrested - aresztowany
north - północ
anger - gniew
purse - portmonetka
arabian - arabski
fraud - oszustwo
resident - mieszkaniec
satisfaction - zadowolenie
blown - nadęty
action - czynność
brain - mózg
chamber - izba
ruckus - zamieszanie
represent - przedstawiać
fucks - fucks
first - pierwszy
cranium - czaszka
bitches - suki
invent - wymyślać
style - styl
bridge - most
cover - pokrywa
strings - smyczki
guitar - gitara
buddha - budda
iranian - irański
throats - gardła
monks - Mnisi
nigga - nigga
niggas - czarnuchy
peace - pokój
practice - ćwiczyć
straight - proste
stays - gorset
strong - silny
lyric - liryczny
street - ulica

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