The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel
The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel
Nor for her husband
Dictator, tyrant or king
Humble homes
With machos on the walls
Symbols and signs in framed designs
Sure, to keep to poor poor
In fear of a god, who hadn't saved them after all
And all of my friends are in trouble
They're sorry, they're sick and they know
And all of my friends are in trouble
There is no need to go into that now
The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel
The girl from Tel-Aviv who wouldn't kneel
Nor for her husband
legalized - legalizowane
husband - mąż
friends - przyjaciele
tyrant - tyran
dictator - dyktator
displayed - wystawiany
proudly - dumnie
kneel - klęczeć
worth - wartość
countenance - oblicze
armies - armie
stone - kamień
application - podanie
american - amerykański
kings - królowie
impartial - bezstronny
hardly - ledwie
teeth - zęby
after - po
torture - torturować
conflicts - konflikty
homes - domy
because - bo
blitz - ciężkie bombardowanie
designs - projekty
loudly - głośno
sorry - przepraszam
their - ich
mentioning - wspomnieć
there - tam
shows - przedstawia
other - inny
framed - oprawiony
parade - parada
signs - znaki
weeps - płacze
princes - książęta
these - te
humble - pokorny
saved - zapisane
symbols - symbolika
sorrow - smutek
think - myśleć
trouble - Kłopot
walls - Ściany
costly - kosztowny
words - Słowa
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