Pusher of the button

Talkin' loud ain't sayin' nuttin'

The mack of the format gettin' fat

Ain't funny 'cause my neighborhood

Is flowin' money

Thank God 4 the boulevard

They keep the motor runnin'

The rap shows coincide wit' the tape flow

Bootleggers go inside and record the record low

They get me, get this now can you freestyle

Freestyle no styles free except da radio

But the radio controlled by the sucker move

Who moved away got away after plannin' a getaway

An now he wanna play what he wanna play

An got say on what is bumpin' of course he's gettin' somethin'

Never know what's good to tha neighborhood

Swear I never seen da sucker

In my necka da woods

The ass is connected to the brain stem

So I sing a simple song

So you can see the sucker in 'em

People got to make a call

To hear the yes y'all (yes y'all)

While the phone keep ringin'

You hear some singer singin'

Why don't dey play the jammy in the daytime

People think it's slammin' plus the rhyme

wonder - cud
whacker - whacker
until - aż do
thought - myśl
taste - Smak
syndicate - konsorcjum
styles - style
storm - burza
stacked - ułożone
while - podczas gdy
singer - piosenkarz
shows - przedstawia
slick - przysiek
season - pora roku
ripper - rozpruwacz
underground - pod ziemią
record - rekord
format - format
sucker - przyssawka
station - Stacja
draft - wersja robocza
funny - zabawny
towner -
controlled - kontrolowane
anyway - tak czy inaczej
after - po
except - z wyjątkiem
coincide - zbiec się
demographics - demografia
connected - połączony
squad - oddział
sleep - sen
gonna - gonna
could - mógłby
still - nadal
neighborhood - sąsiedztwo
boulevard - bulwar
attack - atak
quiet - cichy
rhyme - wierszyk
everybody - wszyscy
behind - za
weasel - łasica
think - myśleć
afternoon - popołudnie
daytime - dzień
simple - prosty
brain - mózg
button - Przycisk
marley - marley
course - kurs
people - ludzie
getaway - kurtulmak
swear - przysięgać
really - naprawdę
giddy - roztrzepany
gimme - dawaj
woods - las
inside - wewnątrz
phone - telefon
jammy - lepki
thank - podziękować
money - pieniądze
motor - silnik
moved - przeniósł
freestyle - freestyle
never - nigdy
control - kontrola
number - numer
about - o
black - czarny
other - inny
programmed - zaprogramowane
master - mistrz
funky - odjechany
pusher - popychacz
wanna - chcę
radio - Radio

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