I met a girl at the carneval

In Rio de Janeiro

We danced all night on the boulevard

In doorways we did the tango

I miss her lips

And the way she sashayed her hips

As she shook her shoulders

I miss the smell of her hair

I don't care if it takes my whole life to find her


warmth - ciepło
touch - dotknąć
through - przez
tango - tango
takes - trwa
spend - wydać
doorways - Drzwi
summer - lato
dancing - taniec
seemed - wydawało się
drunk - pijany
danced - tańczył
beside - oprócz
janeiro - Janeiro
searched - przeszukany
called - nazywa
sashayed - sashayed
shoulders - ramiona
smell - zapach
repeat - powtarzać
inside - wewnątrz
boulevard - bulwar
chorus - chór
whole - cały
masquerade - maskarada
streets - ulice
somewhere - gdzieś
night - noc
never - nigdy
shook - wstrząsnął
spanish - język hiszpański

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