Oh, Madonna, Madonna
So after all this time as an artist and would you love lifestyle you are leading?
Do you even know who you really are? Je, very clear perception of who I am. I am quite a few people. Very great bungee guys. Which's your favourite? Which was my favourite? I can't say cause the others would be je, the others would get jelaous. Are the separate your private person from your artist personal? Well, it wasn't easy to start after it because I thought I had saw here live up to the stage personal and not just impossible. You know another stage personal it's like me time's a hundred it's like a supershield. You're superhero anygo up on stage. Men, it try to be as interesting or as exsciting and relief or just never comes uff. So I had to separate this too cause to real me it's very I'm shy, really shy and thebe backword.
I don't miss you
Just who
You used to be
And you don't ring true
So please
Stop calling me
Your I love you's
Are ten a penny
You're dropping clues
Like you've got any
You got to choose
There's been so many ohhhh
I love you baby
But face it she's Madonna
No man on earth
Could say that he don't want her
This look of love
Says I'm leaving
You're frozen now
I've done the freezing
I'm walking out
Madonna's calling me
I don't wanna claim that I'm special but I'm big special. Do you know what I mean?
worlds - światów
words - Słowa
where - gdzie
williams - williams
these - te
superhero - superbohatera
start - początek
stella - stella
special - specjalny
sorry - przepraszam
separate - oddzielny
robbie - robbie
right - dobrze
points - zwrotnica
please - proszę
people - ludzie
personalities - osobowości
penny - grosz
would - by
obscene - nieprzyzwoity
perception - postrzeganie
never - nigdy
wanna - chcę
walking - pieszy
madonna - Madonna
louder - głośniejsza
private - prywatny
others - inni
little - mało
personal - osobisty
leaving - odejście
comes - pochodzi
clues - wskazówek
circumstance - okoliczność
collide - zderzać się
bungee - bungee
quite - całkiem
person - osoba
chance - szansa
thought - myśl
brought - przywiezione
choose - wybierać
across - przez
relief - ulga
ohhhh - Ohhhh
frozen - mrożony
which - który
claim - roszczenie
afternoon - popołudnie
other - inny
groove - rowek
really - naprawdę
means - znaczy
jelaous - jelaous
advice - rada
watch - zegarek
inside - wewnątrz
calling - powołanie
another - inne
myself - siebie
because - bo
believed - uwierzyli
anything - byle co
lifestyle - styl życia
clear - jasny
could - mógłby
cause - przyczyna
anyway - tak czy inaczej
dance - taniec
secret - sekret
danced - tańczył
drinks - napoje
dropping - rzut
early - wcześnie
earth - ziemia
favourite - ulubiony
routine - rutyna
artist - artysta
fella - fella
freezing - zamrażanie
hundred - sto
happen - zdarzyć
found - uznany
gonna - gonna
having - mający
after - po
impossible - niemożliwy
great - wspaniały
interesting - ciekawy
younger - mniejszy
stage - etap
jumble - mieszanina
leading - prowadzący
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