I've been thinking now for a long time
How to go my own seperate way
It's a shame to think about yesterday a shame
We've been running round in our present state
Hoping help would come from above
But even angels there make the same mistakes in love
Now that we are lonely
Life seems to get hard
Alone what a word lonely
Alone it makes me cry
Thought-train set in motion
would - by
train - pociąg
tracks - utwory
wheels - koła
thought - myśl
yesterday - wczoraj
thinking - myślący
lonely - samotny
running - bieganie
there - tam
emotion - emocja
seems - wydaje się
around - na około
about - o
express - wyrazić
above - powyżej
cracks - spękanie
angels - anioły
shame - wstyd
alone - sam
think - myśleć
seperate - oddzielny
makes - czyni
mistakes - błędy
present - teraźniejszość
round - okrągły
motion - ruch
hoping - mając nadzieję
state - stan
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