Angel of death is walking through the ice-cold air
to take the witches remains, he comes to take his share
Hangman has done his work, destroying their dirty minds
Loyal to the church to torture and to bind
Murder and grinding, searching and finding a victim to kill
Oppression and torment, killing to defend their faith
Bones to ashes, black witches are blown to dust
Bone to ashes, torment's for religious lust
Bones to ashes, black witches are blown to dust
Bone to ashes, torment's for religious lust
Tormenter's raising his torch ino the sky
to burn the convicted witch who is condemend to die
witches - czarownice
witch - czarownica
which - który
walking - pieszy
finding - Odkrycie
faith - wiara
murder - morderstwo
torch - pochodnia
flesh - ciało
comes - pochodzi
bastards - draniu
tolls - opłaty drogowe
death - śmierć
convicted - skazany
remains - szczątki
treason - zdrada
damnation - potępienie
blind - ślepy
delude - łudzić
loyal - wierny
destroys - niszczy
church - Kościół
defend - bronić
accused - oskarżony
tombs - groby
black - czarny
destroying - niszczenie
grinding - szlifowanie
through - przez
bones - kości
minds - umysły
blood - krew
blown - nadęty
hangman - kat
killing - zabicie
torture - torturować
oppression - ucisk
raising - wychowywanie
religious - religijny
share - dzielić
those - te
their - ich
victim - Ofiara
ashes - proch
these - te
dirty - brudny
mankind - ludzkość
tiger - tygrys
angel - anioł
searching - badawczy
torment - dręczyć
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