
I got that work, fuck Labor Day, just bought a gun

Fuck punching in, throwing rocks, no hopscotch

Bet my 9 milli hit the right spot

Bang... Last night it was a dream

This morning a fantasy back

When the only fan I had was a fiend

Meet me by the Acura cause the cops like

To get help from the store camera, they always in my cornea

But it's cool I've been catching on to they formula

See I'm a real loc, my street sign I'll kill fo'

Then rewind my Indo, then unroll my rillo

The bad guy never once been a hoes hero

He get zero, I said nada

Bitch pass the cama (Uh, yeah)

How'd it feel to be a real nigga?

I'm a product of a real nigga

La-la-la familia, real nigga

Get confronted by a real nigga

Fuck with one of my real niggas

It's on like night fall, summertime gotta ball

How'd it feel to be a real nigga?

It's on like night fall, summertime gotta ball

How'd it feel to be a real nigga

My whole life I've been a real nigga

La-la familia, real nigga

Get confronted by a real nigga

Fuck with one of my, real niggas

It's on like night fall, summertime gotta ball

How'd it feel to be a real nigga?

[Beat Change]


I done jumped off my ass, hit the lick and barely pass

But I quickly got to to ballin

2012 ain't really happen, so I guess it's back to trapping

Eyes open night to morning

Had roaches in my cereal, my uncle stole my stereo

My grandma can't control him

yellow - żółty
wrists - nadgarstki
wonder - cud
whipped - bite
verse - werset
uncle - wujek
whisky - whisky
turned - obrócony
truck - ciężarówka
trapping - zastawianie sideł
threw - rzucił
thinking - myślący
think - myśleć
telling - wymowny
taught - nauczony
sweats - poty
stole - ukradłem
still - nadal
steal - kraść
whole - cały
snatching - chwytanie
since - od
times - czasy
shelf - półka
sellers - sprzedawców
schoolboy - uczeń
rocks - skały
robbery - rozbój
right - dobrze
rewind - przewijanie do tyłu
stink - smród
really - naprawdę
quickly - szybko
pussy - kiciuś
purse - portmonetka
punching - przebijanie
would - by
pants - spodnie
orange - pomarańczowy
notice - Ogłoszenie
niggas - czarnuchy
nigga - nigga
never - nigdy
mustache - wąsy
month - miesiąc
cream - krem
talking - mówić
control - kontrola
light - lekki
raised - podniesiony
continue - kontyntynuj
always - zawsze
confronted - skonfrontowane
answer - Odpowiedź
fucking - pierdolony
clock - zegar
night - noc
clack - klekotać
click - kliknij
change - Zmiana
throwing - rzucanie
hopscotch - gra w klasy
chrome - chrom
sealing - opieczętowanie
first - pierwszy
chili - czerwony pieprz
tommy - tommy
morning - ranek
cornea - rogówka
convinced - przekonany
chapter - rozdział
cause - przyczyna
admired - podziwiana
coincidence - zbieg okoliczności
loved - kochał
catching - uchwyt
roaches - karaluchy
bitch - suka
about - o
arresting - areszt
tripping - dreptanie
showed - pokazał
doing - robić
mother - mama
living - życie
unroll - odwijać
sucking - przy piersi
store - Sklep
ballin - Ballin
young - młody
older - starsze
afford - pozwolić sobie
church - Kościół
hearing - przesłuchanie
barely - ledwo
slimming - odchudzanie
locked - zablokowany
accessory - akcesorium
fades - znika
spurt - zryw

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