Looking on the sad times, the guilt and all the shame
I have learned to submit my existing hurts and pains
All the grief I've learned to set aside
'Cause I am, I am, I am, I am
Feeling under rooted, feeling undermined
Can this grace of God cover me this time?
And when I feel the pain I know why I feel strange
And when I hear the rooster crow I am ashamed
Jesus on the cross and this cross upon my back
I have learned to submit then I whine about my lie
wrist - nadgarstek
times - czasy
submit - zatwierdź
sometimes - czasami
undermined - podkopany
seasons - pory roku
rooster - kogut
really - naprawdę
pains - trud
deserve - zasłużyć
after - po
crows - wrony
shame - wstyd
rooted - ukorzeniony
cover - pokrywa
strange - dziwne
looking - patrząc
changing - wymiana pieniędzy
existing - istniejący
about - o
ashamed - zawstydzony
under - pod
grief - smutek
aside - na bok
whine - skomleć
faithful - wierny
feeling - uczucie
morning - ranek
jesus - Jezus
grace - wdzięk
guilt - wina
cross - krzyż
learned - nauczyli
hated - znienawidzony
hurts - boli
little - mało
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