Taste my body to know my long dark past
Please console me now like no one else can
You say someone somewhere loves me
But they are not here now and it’s not you
Touch me and make me believe I am important to you
Or maybe being screwed make me feel so loved
I’m so pale when I try to conquer you
So silly to be convinced that your are mine or am I fool?
Oh god, this is the last chance
I have to meet the boy I saw
whore - kurwa
touch - dotknąć
there - tam
taste - Smak
someone - ktoś
silly - głupi
please - proszę
place - miejsce
other - inny
loves - kocha
chance - szansa
certainty - pewność
somewhere - gdzieś
cause - przyczyna
believe - uwierzyć
behind - za
dirty - brudny
desperate - zdesperowany
after - po
symbolize - symbolizować
alone - sam
leave - pozostawiać
doubt - wątpić
about - o
console - konsola
attractive - atrakcyjny
conquer - podbić
maybe - może
being - istota
convinced - przekonany
feeling - uczucie
either - zarówno
loved - kochał
heart - serce
tricksy - tricksy
convince - przekonać
important - ważny
screwed - pijany
inside - wewnątrz
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