I was always late, you never afraid, that we could be falling
All our friends would say, maybe we should wait, but they can't see what's coming
And to this day, when everything breaks, you are the anchor that holds me
And that is why we'll always make it
How I know your face, all the ways you move, you come in, I can read you
You're my favourite book
All the things you say, the way you shift your eyes
I never knew there was someone, to make me come alive
When the days are long, and the thunder with the storm, can always get me crying
You can make my bed, I'll fall into it, shattered but not lonely
would - by
until - aż do
weathered - wyblakły
touch - dotknąć
things - rzeczy
there - tam
storm - burza
someone - ktoś
should - powinien
recount - opowiadać
place - miejsce
crying - płacz
thunder - grzmot
because - bo
afraid - przestraszony
always - zawsze
shattered - rozbite
breaks - przerwy
favourite - ulubiony
hands - ręce
everything - wszystko
anchor - kotwica
falling - spadanie
lonely - samotny
coming - przyjście
alive - żywy
never - nigdy
found - uznany
holds - utrzymuje
maybe - może
friend - przyjaciel
shift - przesunięcie
friends - przyjaciele
could - mógłby
little - mało
making - zrobienie
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