I woke up this morning, August 3rd
It's been a pretty slow and uneventful summer
Went to visit a friend in Santa Fe
Went to New Orleans and went to see my family
Woke up this morning and it occurred
I needed one more track to finish up my record
I was feeling out of fuel and uninspired
Laid on my bed too long, a little down, a little tired
Met my girl and we walked down Union Street
I was scattered and my head was in a bunch of places
Bought a $350 pair of lampshades
And we ate at Perry's and I ordered crab cakes
Blue crab cakes
Blue crab cakes
Blue crab cakes
She said I seemed distracted and asked what was going on with me
I said, "I can't explain it, it's a middle age thing"
She said okay and ate her eggs Benedict
And I looked at the walls cluttered with sports bar shit
Sports bar shit
Sports bar shit
Sports bar shit
Got on the phone and I called my mother
And called my father, talked a little bit with my sister
She's got a new boyfriend, he's a deer hunter
And she's getting used to venison
years - lat
worst - najgorszy
visit - odwiedzić
venison - dziczyzna
uninspired - banalny
twenty - 20
track - tor
walked - chodził
tired - zmęczony
tinge - odcień
thousand - tysiąc
though - chociaż
there - tam
their - ich
tahoe - tahoe
summer - lato
trying - próbować
studio - studio
still - nadal
standing - na stojąco
spain - Hiszpania
fondest - fondest
flirting - flirtować
selling - sprzedawanie
finish - koniec
drove - stado
backstage - za kulisami
feeling - uczucie
girlfriend - dziewczyna
walls - Ściany
father - ojciec
uneventful - monotonny
august - sierpień
talked - rozmawiał
crowd - tłum
exercise - ćwiczenie
everybody - wszyscy
behind - za
eight - osiem
staring - gapiowski
doing - robić
cakes - ciastka
couple - para
moves - porusza się
cluttered - zagracone
thanks - dzięki
cells - komórki
contented - zadowolony
another - inne
union - unia
death - śmierć
place - miejsce
asked - spytał
stage - etap
benedict - benedykt
microphone - mikrofon
competitiveness - Konkurencyjność
amongst - wśród
postal - pocztowy
distracted - roztargniony
around - na około
about - o
other - inny
street - ulica
singing - śpiewanie
breath - oddech
fighting - walczący
explain - wyjaśniać
between - pomiędzy
alright - w porządku
small - mały
worry - martwić się
bought - kupiony
thought - myśl
hunter - łowca
festival - festiwal
tickets - Bilety
greek - grecki
boyfriend - chłopak
meltdown - topnienie
leave - pozostawiać
after - po
bread - chleb
asian - asian
phone - telefon
drunk - pijany
bunch - wiązka
busting - busting
family - rodzina
little - mało
called - nazywa
thing - rzecz
girls - dziewczyny
getting - coraz
occurred - wystąpił
hanging - wiszące
orleans - Orlean
hours - godziny
hurting - boli
twelve - dwanaście
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