When I was young my father taught me not to gloat
If I came home too proud of myself I get wrestled to the floor and choked
But I forgive him for that
He was an eighth grade drop out and I was being a brat
I forgive him, I do
I know that he loves me and he knows I love him too
When I was young my father told me, to each his own
The lady said as she kissed the cow
Some like the fiddle, some like the trombone
And I live by that rule
Your trip is your trip and my trip is my trip too
Yeah, I'll mind my own business
I'll have an O'Douls and my friend here will have a Guinness
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
Your kid goes to the private Berkeley school with one black kid
My kid goes to the public school, came home with cracked ribs
And when my kid's eighteen
He'll be out there like I was and probably chasing his dreams
And when your kid's twenty-two
young - młody
wrestling - zapasy
twenty - 20
wrestled - zmagał się
tyson - Tyson
trombone - puzon
while - podczas gdy
those - te
teacher - nauczyciel
still - nadal
watch - zegarek
something - coś
sears - Sears
taught - nauczony
ricky - ricky
quicker - szybciej
trying - próbować
punches - ciosy
proud - dumny
probably - prawdopodobnie
practice - ćwiczyć
perfect - idealny
patience - cierpliwość
night - noc
myself - siebie
matches - zapałki
respect - poszanowanie
lessons - lekcje
winter - zimowy
learned - nauczyli
kissed - pocałował
saint - święty
crying - płacz
cause - przyczyna
there - tam
short - krótki
shoot - strzelać
school - szkoła
cracked - pęknięty
learn - uczyć się
equally - na równi
people - ludzie
brown - brązowy
brought - przywiezione
could - mógłby
gossip - plotka
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
album - album
business - biznes
guitar - gitara
choked - dławił się
basement - piwnica
after - po
beauty - piękno
cline - skurcz
black - czarny
moved - przeniósł
going - chodzenie
spain - Hiszpania
berkeley - Berkeley
being - istota
friend - przyjaciel
different - różne
played - grał
fiddle - skrzypce
dinner - obiad
kindergarten - przedszkole
ditches - rowy
private - prywatny
dreams - marzenia
edgar - edgar
eighteen - osiemnaście
albino - albinos
eighth - ósma
loves - kocha
father - ojciec
neighbour - sąsiad
flick - trzepnięcie
knows - wie
floor - piętro
public - publiczny
pretty - ładny
grade - stopień
forgive - przebaczyć
shoulder - ramię
chasing - gonić
better - lepszy
getting - coraz
gloat - napawać się
gotta - musieć
guinness - guinness
billy - menażka
handicapped - upośledzony
internship - praktyka
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