As down the glen came McAlpines men with their shovels slung behind them
‘Twas in the pub that they drank the sub and up in the spike you’ll find them
They sweated blood and they washed down mud with pints and quarts of beer
And now we’re on the road again with McAlpine’s Fusiliers
I stripped to the skin with Darkie Flynn way down upon the Isle of Grain
Wi’ that horsed Face O’Toole, sure we knew the rule, no money if you stopped for rain.
underneath - pod spodem
their - ich
hydro - hydro
looked - spojrzał
horse - koń
grabbed - chwyciła
ganger - brygadzista
across - przez
flynn - Flynn
mcalpines - mcalpines
filled - wypełniony
going - chodzenie
spike - kolec
czech - Czech
shovels - łopaty
again - jeszcze raz
shoulders - ramiona
drank - pił
money - pieniądze
quarts - kwarty
retort - retorta
behind - za
christ - Chrystus
called - nazywa
blood - krew
concrete - beton
pride - duma
rough - szorstki
slung - zwolniony
darkie - ciemność
nearly - prawie
navvy - kopacz
stripped - obnażony
washed - umyty
pints - kufle
prayers - modły
reached - osiągnął
remember - zapamiętaj
cards - karty
russian - [object Object]
seared - seared
tough - twardy
short - krótki
stairs - schody
shuddering - drżenie
worked - pracował
stopped - zatrzymany
grain - ziarno
sweat - pocić się
sweated - pocił się
thames - tamiza
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