Oh girl you think you got time

You're gonna get 'round to it way down the line

But one step, two step, you fall behind

So you better have a good plan

Oh girl you think you got time

You're gonna get 'round to it way down the line

But I'm telling you no matter what you have in mind

You're still gonna need a man

Take it from your grandmother I've been 'round

No one's gonna take care of you

In that world you've got yourself into

All the good boys, oh baby they're in grad school

Oh girl your story's all wrong

Your dream'll be a nightmare before too long

Turning thirty and still trying to sing your songs

Come on who do you think you are

Oh girl it's too heavy a load

Your mama and your baba they are worried souls

wrong - źle
world - świat
woman - kobieta
where - gdzie
turning - obrócenie
trying - próbować
thirty - trzydzieści
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
telling - wymowny
handed - wręczony
souls - dusze
gonna - gonna
floors - Podłogi
music - muzyka
never - nigdy
matter - materia
songs - piosenki
through - przez
family - rodzina
chances - szanse
cooking - gotowanie
before - przed
yourself - siebie
wailed - jęknął
guitar - gitara
scrubbing - szorowanie
babies - dzieci
everything - wszystko
because - bo
school - szkoła
turns - z kolei
education - edukacja
bombs - bomby
sixty - sześćdziesiąt
maybe - może
gives - daje
advantages - Zalety
stays - gorset
dirty - brudny
respect - poszanowanie
grandmother - babcia
sirens - syreny
still - nadal
worried - zmartwiony
banks - banki
career - kariera
heavy - ciężki
ambitions - Ambicje
knock - pukanie
knows - wie
better - lepszy
making - zrobienie
meals - posiłki
tattooed - wytatuowany
night - noc
nightmare - koszmar
behind - za
raise - podnieść
schoolyard - szkolne
understands - rozumie
survive - przetrwać

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