Good evening Ladies and Gentleman I'm Niah Pitson I'm standing in front of the historic Manns chinese theatre where thousands literally thousands of fans, journalists and well wishers have gathered merely to catch a glimpse of the artists formerly known as fresh prince. This album premiere marks Will Smith's return to the world of rap. The long awaited album entitled Big Willie Style has broken sales records everywhere from Bangkok to Madagaskar as we all anxiously await the arrival of the man himself. Oh wait a minute judging from the stir of the crowd yes he's arrived Ladies and gentleman Will Smith has arrived Will Will hey Will real brothers hey whats up man how you doing

I'm Keith B Real from Keep it Real radio and founding editor of Keep it Real magazine and motivational tapes we practice what we preach here brother and that is Keeping it Real. Now Will let me ask you something do you think that you make quote unquote real rap music cause I ain't never seen no Wu dancing wit no singing alien keep it real

Well brother I like to have a good time have fun with the music that I make you know let people have fun

world - świat
willie - willie
years - lat
unquote - zamknąć cudzysłów
thousands - tysiące
these - te
tapes - Taśmy
wishers - życzenia
table - stół
standing - na stojąco
style - styl
sorry - przepraszam
smith - kowal
saved - zapisane
return - powrót
sales - obroty
radio - Radio
quote - zacytować
question - pytanie
singing - śpiewanie
prince - książę
preach - kazanie
practice - ćwiczyć
people - ludzie
music - muzyka
think - myśleć
motivational - motywacyjny
minute - chwila
records - dokumentacja
marks - znaki
dancing - taniec
catch - łapać
formerly - dawniej
another - inne
brother - brat
arrival - przyjazd
anxiously - z niepokojem
charlie - charlie
never - nigdy
broken - złamany
whats - co
arrived - przybył
gathered - zebrane
ladies - damski
journalists - Dziennikarze
await - czekać na
doing - robić
album - album
chinese - chiński
where - gdzie
alien - obcy
glimpse - dojrzeć
merely - jedynie
magazine - czasopismo
artists - [object Object]
escort - eskorta
brothers - braci
evening - wieczór
awaited - oczekiwano
editor - redaktor
front - z przodu
entitled - uprawniona
bangkok - Bangkok
everybody - wszyscy
theatre - teatr
literally - dosłownie
fresh - świeży
times - czasy
founding - założenie
gentleman - pan
himself - samego siebie
keith - keith
premiere - premiera
cause - przyczyna
anyway - tak czy inaczej
historic - historyczny
keeping - konserwacja
something - coś
inside - wewnątrz
crowd - tłum
complex - złożony
judging - sądząc
everywhere - wszędzie
known - znany

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