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three point nine four GPA.
Emerging Ancillary Markets in
the Global Wireless Revolution.
I bet that's quite a read.
We're actually looking
to beef up our Tech Practice
but then you probably
already knew that.
So, Katherine Burke, who are you?
Where do you come from?
I grew up
in the middle of nowhere.
The birthplace of Wendell Willkie is
20 miles away, and that's about it.
My mom works in a bottling plant
and sells Nutra-Life products
and my dad left
when I was little.
I never really knew him.
Tell us about a problem
you've encountered.
My guidance counselor tried to keep
me from applying to good schools.
I thought she was my friend.
She said she understood me and that
I would be happier
staying close to home--
junior college
or secretarial school.
She hated me.
What action did you take?
I invited a senator who attended
college here to speak at our school.
And what was the result?
I got a strong letter
of recommendation
from a U.S. Senator,
was accepted early decision
and they gave me
lots of financial aid.
And what did you learn
from this experience?
- Truthfully?
- Of course.
Mrs. Castleman
was a sneaky bitch.
It was the first time I was
betrayed by someone I trusted.
I looked up to her.
I didn't come close to understanding
the depth to which she resented me.
I learned that people who help me,
who invest in me become my partners
and my success is their success
that relationships
are symbiotic.
I learned responsibility
based on others' faith in me.
I hope to be able to pay some
dividends to those investors.
How many pennies do you think it
would take to fill this room?
With or without us in it?
would - by
wireless - bezprzewodowy
looking - patrząc
little - mało
letter - list
looked - spojrzał
katherine - katarzyna
investors - inwestorzy
happier - szczęśliwiej
birthplace - miejsce urodzenia
recommendation - zalecenie
schools - szkoły
invest - inwestować
global - światowy
bitch - suka
sells - sprzedaje
experience - doświadczenie
dividends - dywidendy
betrayed - zdradzony
early - wcześnie
wendell - Wendell
attended - uczęszczany
junior - junior
invited - zaproszony
sneaky - podstępny
encountered - napotkanych
products - produkty
first - pierwszy
become - stają się
friend - przyjaciel
ancillary - pomocniczy
responsibility - Odpowiedzialność
works - prace
decision - Decyzja
point - punkt
already - już
about - o
accepted - przyjęty
quite - całkiem
close - blisko
understood - zrozumiany
emerging - pojawiają się
castleman - suda yürümekten vazgeç
bottling - rozlew
burke - Burke
guidance - poradnictwo
tried - wypróbowany
counselor - doradca
faith - wiara
applying - zastosowanie
learned - nauczyli
course - kurs
never - nigdy
people - ludzie
financial - budżetowy
depth - głębokość
markets - rynków
middle - środkowy
miles - kilometry
someone - ktoś
nowhere - nigdzie
secretarial - sekretarski
thought - myśl
where - gdzie
nutra - Nutra
based - na podstawie
hated - znienawidzony
partners - wzmacniacz
pennies - grosze
plant - roślina
college - szkoła wyższa
problem - Problem
probably - prawdopodobnie
really - naprawdę
relationships - relacje
actually - tak właściwie
revolution - rewolucja
school - szkoła
speak - mówić
staying - przebywający
learn - uczyć się
strong - silny
success - [object Object]
their - ich
practice - ćwiczyć
resented - niezadowolony
those - te
result - wynik
three - trzy
action - czynność
symbiotic - symbiotyczny
thesis - praca dyplomowa
think - myśleć
senator - senator
trusted - zaufany
without - bez
truthfully - zgodnie z prawdą
understanding - zrozumienie
which - który
willkie - willkie
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