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Rozpocznij naukę
Be calm. Let me do the talking.
You're making her dinner!
Well, we thought you might
appreciate the company.
Master, I just want
to assure you...
that I had no part
in this hopeless plan.
Preparing a dinner, designing
a gown for her
giving her a suite in
the east wing!
You gave her a bedroom?
No, no, no.
He gave her a bedroom.
This is true.
But if this girl is the one
who can break the spell...
then maybe you could start
by using dinner to charm her.
- Good thinking, Cogsworth.
- What?
That's the most ridiculous
idea I've ever heard.
Charm the prisoner!
But you must try, Master.
With every passing day
we become less human.
She's the daughter
of a common thief.
What kind of person do you
think that makes her?
Oh, you can't judge people by
who their father is, now can you?
You'll join me for dinner.
That's not a request.
Gently, Master.
The girl lost her father
and her freedom in one day.
Yes, the poor thing is probably in there,
scared to death.
Just a minute.
You see? There she is.
Now, remember, be gentle.
- Kind!
- Charming!
And when she opens the door, give
her a dashing, debonair smile.
Come, come. Show me the smile.
Will you join me for dinner?
You've taken me as your prisoner and
now you want to have dinner with me?
Are you insane?
He's losing it.
I told you
to join me for dinner.
And I told you no.
What time is it?
What's happening?
I'd starve before
I ever ate with you.
Well, be my guest.
Go ahead and starve.
If she doesn't eat with me,
then she doesn't eat at all.
using - za pomocą
thought - myśl
thinking - myślący
think - myśleć
thief - złodziej
there - tam
their - ich
talking - mówić
taken - wzięty
starve - głodować
start - początek
spell - zaklęcie
smile - uśmiech
scared - przerażony
ridiculous - śmieszny
request - Żądanie
remember - zapamiętaj
probably - prawdopodobnie
freedom - wolność
every - dejte pozor
master - mistrz
idiots - idioci
death - śmierć
dinner - obiad
ahead - przed siebie
could - mógłby
opens - otwiera się
people - ludzie
company - firma
passing - przechodzący
common - pospolity
giving - dający
bedroom - sypialnia
thing - rzecz
daughter - córka
hopeless - beznadziejny
debonair - jowialny
assure - gwarantować
break - Przerwa
cogsworth - Cogsworth
before - przed
charm - urok
charming - uroczy
become - stają się
father - ojciec
gently - delikatnie
gentle - delikatny
guest - gość
makes - czyni
suite - zestaw
heard - słyszał
human - człowiek
insane - szalony
maybe - może
dashing - ozdobny
prisoner - więzień
appreciate - doceniać
judge - sędzia
losing - przegrywający
making - zrobienie
might - moc
minute - chwila
preparing - przygotowanie
designing - projektowanie
happening - wydarzenie
person - osoba
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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