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Rozpocznij naukę
Alpha Whiskey, this is Zero Six. Come in.
Zero Six, go ahead.
Zero Six is at rally point three and standing by.
Zero Six, latest Intel says your current location
undoable for pickup. Stand by to copy rendezvous point.
Say again your last. I am at the rendezvous point.
You need to hump it out to a safe zone.
I set IP Cadillac. Canada 1-5,
Virginia 2-0. Read back.
Negative. Negative.
I do not understand. Why is this spot not doable for pickup?
I am good to go.
I say again, I am good to go now.
Zero Six, you are a combat naval aviator. Start acting like one.
You've been shot down. Life is tough. I am very sorry.
Now you pull yourself together. You do whatever it takes.
Create some angles between you and your pursuers.
Use your training. Use your head.
Evade and survive, and we will bring you home.
Do you understand? We will bring you home!
Zero Six?
Zero Six?
Someone's coming.
We lost the signal, sir.
- Where is he? Triangulate his position. - We're on it, sir.
yourself - siebie
where - gdzie
virginia - virginia
tough - twardy
three - trzy
survive - przetrwać
start - początek
whatever - cokolwiek
rendezvous - spotkanie
rally - rajd
takes - trwa
pursuers - prześladowcy
sorry - przepraszam
point - punkt
canada - Kanada
standing - na stojąco
position - pozycja
pickup - odebrać
bring - przynieść
angles - kątów
between - pomiędzy
stand - stoisko
alpha - alfa
current - obecny
cadillac - cadillac
latest - najnowszy
ahead - przed siebie
whiskey - whisky
undoable - niezdatne do użytku
training - trening
aviator - lotnik
coming - przyjście
again - jeszcze raz
acting - gra aktorska
combat - walka
understand - zrozumieć
create - stwórz
triangulate - triangulować
signal - sygnał
intel - Intel
doable - wykonalny
together - razem
naval - morski
negative - negatywny
evade - uchylać się
location - Lokalizacja
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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