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Your friend Bobby Reed has been to see me...
with his nefarious portfolio.
Yes, he told me.
- He told you? - Yes.
I paid him, too, you know.
No, I... I didn't know.
Yes, he's an ambitious fellow.
It's all right.
I don't think it's all right, Cole. I think it's disgusting.
He's exploiting both of us.
Well, yes. I... I like to look at it as a kind of luxury tax.
What an extraordinary thing to say.
Do you have any idea how much you've changed?
How much your behavior has changed?
You have put everything that you've accomplished with your music at risk.
Darling, my work has never been better.
It's flourishing. Even if we're not.
Your music comes from your talent, not from your behavior.
It's all the same thing. I can't put my talent here and my behavior here...
and my eating habits, and sleeping habits, and drinking habits.
It's all me.
I have never asked you to change.
Just be discreet.
Linda, I have never been discreet.
What is discretion but dishonesty wrapped up in a little good breeding?
I don't think you want me to be discreet,
I think you want me to be different.
I am partially responsible for all of this...
because I have spoiled you, I have indulged you.
But so has the entire goddamned world.
And for what?
Just a little music.
world - świat
thing - rzecz
spoiled - zepsuty
sleeping - spanie
right - dobrze
responsible - odpowiedzialny
think - myśleć
partially - częściowo
nefarious - nikczemny
luxury - luksus
habits - zwyczaje
little - mało
goddamned - przeklęty
friend - przyjaciel
wrapped - owinięty
flourishing - kwitnący
fellow - facet
portfolio - teczka
extraordinary - niezwykły
bobby - konstabl
indulged - pobłażał
breeding - hodowla
never - nigdy
music - muzyka
linda - linda
darling - kochanie
better - lepszy
talent - talent
asked - spytał
different - różne
eating - jedzenie
behavior - zachowanie
because - bo
accomplished - znakomity
dishonesty - nieuczciwość
changed - zmienić
ambitious - ambitny
exploiting - eksploatacja
change - Zmiana
discretion - dyskrecja
discreet - dyskretny
disgusting - obrzydliwy
drinking - picie
comes - pochodzi
entire - cały
everything - wszystko
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