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Rozpocznij naukę
Hi, I'm Lucy,
and I'll be your Kostmart
training team leader.
I am so happy to welcome you
to the Kostmart team.
Now, we work hard here,
but we play hard also.
I think we're
gonna have a good time here...
...because at Kostmart,
we're more than a store.
We're family.
Now, before we get started...
...I am gonna need
you all
to piss in one of
these cups.
- It's taking a little while.
- Just relax.
I've been married
for 20 years.
I know what it looks like.
You want me to get you
a cola?
It's just hard to do...
while you're standing
there watching.
I could sell you my
pee for hundred dollars.
I been off the pipe for two years.
Thank you, Jesus.
Unfortunately, we
don't have any, um...
...positions available
in Pilates or yoga.
But we are looking
for a Jeet Kun Do instructor.
Yes. I mean, that's... Oh, my...
I thought...
I didn't even...
I didn't say that?
I was born doing... that.
- Hi, welcome to Kostmart.
- Watch.
Hi! Welcome to Kostmart.
Check out our makeup counter
on aisle 12B.
Welcome to Kostmart.
Check out our CDs. Garth
Brooks on sale, aisle 51.
Welcome to Kostmart.
Your local gun emporium.
Aisle 42, hunting gear.
And the next thing I knew,
I was wearing it. Oh!
- Well, Jane.
- Hey, Veronica.
- Hi, how are you?
- Good, good.
I didn't know
you worked out here.
Hello there, ma'am. Welcome
to Kostmart.
I hope you'll take a trip
by the deli counter today...
...for a complimentary cube
of jalapeño cheddar.
I'm lactose intolerant.
Where do you keep
the cigarettes?
Behind the counter.
But I'm not sure that's
a good... - Dick?
You missed one.
I'll get it. I'll get it.
I'll get it.
Wait. Ma'am?
Ma'am. Welcome!
Here we go. Hi. Hi.
My name's Jane, and
I'll be your instructor,
here today,
for beginners' Jin Ku Pow.
So let's just get right into it.
Here we go.
We're just gonna loosen up
a little bit. Here we go.
Yeah. There we go.
And ho. And hit.
Excuse me! Ma'am!
And jab. And jab.
- Haha, now I gotcha!
- Get this!
It's punch. And punch.
And step. And kick!
- It burns.
- I saw you...
...eyeballing me when
I came in a door.
You were all up in
my goodies.
You know something?
I'm glad you fired me.
How's a person supposed to
survive and feed their family
...on that kind of a salary?
It's a lease.
worked - pracował
where - gdzie
welcome - witamy
unfortunately - niestety
today - dzisiaj
thought - myśl
think - myśleć
thing - rzecz
these - te
there - tam
thank - podziękować
taking - nabierający
training - trening
survive - przetrwać
supposed - domniemany
store - Sklep
started - rozpoczęty
wearing - ma na sobie
standing - na stojąco
watch - zegarek
something - coś
salary - wynagrodzenie
right - dobrze
punch - stempel
positions - stanowiska
relax - zrelaksować się
gonna - gonna
eyeballing - gałki oczne
aisle - przejście
excuse - pretekst
jesus - Jezus
complimentary - pochlebny
behind - za
married - żonaty
because - bo
counter - Licznik
dollars - [object Object]
brooks - strumyki
burns - oparzenia
gotcha - gotcha
garth - Garth
years - lat
fired - zwolniony
person - osoba
cheddar - ser cheddar
looks - wygląda
could - mógłby
family - rodzina
check - czek
little - mało
watching - oglądanie
cigarettes - papierosy
goodies - gadżety
makeup - makijaż
happy - szczęśliwy
looking - patrząc
veronica - veronica
hello - cześć
while - podczas gdy
their - ich
hunting - polowanie
available - dostępny
hundred - sto
instructor - instruktor
intolerant - nietolerancyjny
emporium - emporium
missed - nieodebranych
before - przed
kostmart -
doing - robić
jalape -
leader - lider
lease - wynajem
loosen - poluzować
local - lokalny
lactose - laktoza
pilates - pilates
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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