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Come on. Come on.
Come on.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
Are you nuts?
What were you honking at?
- Are you Mr. Farmer? Mr. Andy Farmer?
- What?
Yes, l am. Why?
We've been trying to contact you
for some time, Mr. Farmer.
My name is Michael Sinclair.
Wait. Shut up a minute. Listen.
Shit. Give me a hand with this.
Come on! Get over here and push. Now!
May I ask what the point of this is?
Just keep pushing. You'll see.
- Hurry up, he's coming.
- Yes.
Who? Who's coming?
Okay, this is good.
- Hold it steady till I give you the word.
- I don't think I can hold it much longer.
Sure you can. Sure you can.
- You're doing just fine.
- Mr. Farmer.
May I know what we're doing?
- When l give you the signal, let it go.
- But Mr. Farmer... - Shh! Quiet.
- Now! Let it go.
- I can't.
- Now, goddamn it!
- I can't! l can't! l can't!
We could have nailed him.
We could have had him dead center.
- Who are you anyway?
- I told you who l was.
I'm Michael Sinclair.
From Hufnagel and...
...Brown. Your publisher, Mr. Farmer.
- What are you doing here?
- Your deadline, the first installment.
- Deadline?
- Three weeks ago, actually.
We didn't hear from you.
Mr. Farmer, our letters went unanswered.
Look, l know all of this must seem crazy,
but you'll just have to trust me on this.
There's absolutely nothing
out of the ordinary happening here.
Sorry about your car.
A rental?
I just bought it.
Let's just forget about the
deadline, mr. Farmer.
Return the advance money
and we'll call it even.
What, give the money back?
I've been working.
I've got stuff down on paper,
right in my house.
Come up and look at it. It's great stuff.
Here, take this.
It's not the novel, but it shows
I've been working. l think you'll like it.
Please take it.
You'll be hearing from us, Mr. Farmer.
Good day.
weeks - tygodni
trying - próbować
three - trzy
think - myśleć
stuff - rzeczy
steady - Stały
sorry - przepraszam
signal - sygnał
honking - honking
great - wspaniały
unanswered - bez odpowiedzi
goddamn - przeklęty
michael - michał
forget - zapomnieć
money - pieniądze
hearing - przesłuchanie
novel - powieść
farmer - rolnik
actually - tak właściwie
anyway - tak czy inaczej
trust - zaufanie
installment - rata
absolutely - absolutnie
ordinary - zwykły
advance - postęp
first - pierwszy
contact - kontakt
about - o
letters - listy
minute - chwila
bought - kupiony
working - pracujący
could - mógłby
brown - brązowy
crazy - zwariowany
center - centrum
house - dom
quiet - cichy
shows - przedstawia
hufnagel - hufnagel
doing - robić
listen - słuchać
hurry - pośpiech
sinclair - Sinclair
publisher - wydawca
longer - dłużej
happening - wydarzenie
nailed - przybity
nothing - nic
paper - papier
deadline - ostateczny termin
please - proszę
point - punkt
coming - przyjście
pushing - popychanie
rental - wynajem
return - powrót
right - dobrze
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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