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Well, all right.
How y'all doing?
Yes, ma'am.
Looking mighty fine.
I've been around the world
seen so many pretty girls
but I still get overwhelmed
when I look in your eyes
been from Maine to Spain
but everything seems the same
I only feel a change
when I look in your eyes
I know you're upper-class
I know you've got pizzazz
every man wanna kiss your...
And I do, too
Hey, you know what?
I'm so happy to see you. Muah!
Well, it was fun while it lasted.
Hold on. What you doing?
Don't leave me here!
Tell me what's a man to do to get close to you
I'm just a lonely fool
when I look in your eyes
don't tell me no this time
if you do, it'll blow my mind
have you ever seen a grown man cry?
It's an awful thing
I guess it's time to say goodbye
but I gotta give it one more try
I'm only satisfied
when I look in your eyes
ooh, please come home with me
oh, don't you wanna marry me?
I'm even gonna love your feet
when they stink
How can I? How can I let you down?
I guess I'm always gonna be around
I'm simply astounded
when I look in your eyes
Ain't nobody
like my style
I light my fire, yeah
chorus: I light my fire I light my fire
they blow it out, yeah
they blow it out they blow it out
and don't nobody
gonna feel like that
Monkey's on my back, bro
now, watch them all fall
go on, fall look out!
Nobody wanted to dance
when I had a lot of time on my hands
now I got a lot of hands on my time
and everybody wanna be a friend of mine
whoa, whoa I wouldn't mind a friend
the fellas back home all trying to win
moon keeps shining on bootleg bottles
cops in the street keep your feet on the throttle
selling what they got I can't afford a model
yelling "go, pj, go”
ain't nothing idle
everything is wild, yeah
you can be here, now, yeah
soon as you turn around
be in the ground, yeah
four, five six feet underground
and ain't no Bible
at this here church, no
you won't find god, no
might meet him first, oh
oh, god, look out!
Nobody wanted to leave
house so packed that we couldn't even breathe
and ain't no better place to fall in love
angel sent from heaven above
swing down and come change your life
you might make a baby might meet your wife
but watch your thing that you're gonna say
deep down south there's a little old place
they're mighty wild cats and they don't play
don't make me send a telegram to rooster, he'll shoot you
Say, whoa, mammy
whoa, mammy
say, whoa, pappy
everybody get up
no, no, no, no, get down
everybody get up
no, no, no, no, get down
everybody get up
no, no, no, no, get down
everybody get up
no, no, no, no, get down
while - podczas gdy
watch - zegarek
wanted - chciał
underground - pod ziemią
throttle - przepustnica
telegram - telegram
street - ulica
stink - smród
still - nadal
spain - Hiszpania
simply - po prostu
shoot - strzelać
upper - górny
shining - świecący
yelling - wrzeszczał
selling - sprzedawanie
style - styl
seems - wydaje się
satisfied - zadowolona
right - dobrze
place - miejsce
pizzazz - pizzazz
packed - zatłoczony
overwhelmed - przytłoczony
thing - rzecz
nothing - nic
nobody - nikt
mighty - potężny
chorus - chór
everything - wszystko
every - dejte pozor
marry - żenić się
swing - huśtawka
close - blisko
fellas - chłopaki
hands - ręce
church - Kościół
world - świat
bottles - butelki
always - zawsze
better - lepszy
dance - taniec
bootleg - bootleg
model - model
afford - pozwolić sobie
everybody - wszyscy
keeps - utrzymuje
above - powyżej
doing - robić
change - Zmiana
breathe - oddychać
heaven - niebo
little - mało
bible - Biblia
friend - przyjaciel
grown - dorosły
pretty - ładny
astounded - zdumiony
please - proszę
angel - anioł
awful - straszny
wanna - chcę
rooster - kogut
first - pierwszy
trying - próbować
girls - dziewczyny
south - południe
gonna - gonna
goodbye - do widzenia
gotta - musieć
ground - ziemia
light - lekki
happy - szczęśliwy
maine - maine
guess - odgadnąć
looking - patrząc
house - dom
pappy - papkowaty
lasted - Trwało
leave - pozostawiać
class - klasa
around - na około
lonely - samotny
might - moc
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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