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What brings you to the
south of France, miss...
Bhilli... bholly...
- Bhuletova.
I'm just visiting
a friend of mine.
And would this friend
be the owner of the Dot Calm?
Yes, he would.
And what about you,
Oh, I'm just here on business.
Although, it's rapidly
turning into pleasure.
Ooh! I love these.
They're really hot.
Are you all right?
Yes, fine.
I'm not sure
I've ever met a man
quite like you, Basil.
Let me clear up
the uncertainty for you.
You haven't.
I'm sorry, Basil.
I have to get up really
early tomorrow morning.
Oh, that's a shame.
How did you get on, sir?
Oh, gosh, what a wonderful
woman, Bough. Wonderful.
Charming. Intelligent.
Lovely sense of humor.
And obviously entirely innocent.
Although, I broke into
her room
and she does have
three passports, sir.
Romanian, Bulgarian, Russian.
Different name in each.
So she's been married
to three different people.
Not unusual in this day
and age, Bough.
I also found some garroting wire
and two boxes of ammunition.
Well, single woman,
traveling alone,
you can't be too careful.
You don't think
she might be a spy, sir?
A spy?
I think I know
what a spy looks like, Bough.
would - by
wonderful - wspaniale
unusual - niezwykły
turning - obrócenie
tomorrow - jutro
these - te
south - południe
sorry - przepraszam
clear - jasny
business - biznes
three - trzy
single - Pojedynczy
woman - kobieta
broke - zepsuł się
charming - uroczy
passports - paszporty
ammunition - amunicja
although - mimo że
think - myśleć
careful - ostrożny
bulgarian - bułgarski
bough - stiefel
basil - bazylia
cheers - twoje zdrowie
shame - wstyd
different - różne
bhuletova -
alone - sam
humor - humor
about - o
found - uznany
france - Francja
boxes - pudła
bhilli -
pleasure - przyjemność
entirely - całkowicie
brings - przynosi
early - wcześnie
married - żonaty
friend - przyjaciel
visiting - przyjezdny
traveling - podróżny
garroting - garroting
right - dobrze
innocent - niewinny
uncertainty - niepewność
looks - wygląda
lovely - śliczny
intelligent - inteligentny
rapidly - szybko
might - moc
morning - ranek
obviously - oczywiście
owner - właściciel
russian - [object Object]
people - ludzie
quite - całkiem
really - naprawdę
romanian - rumuński
sense - sens
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