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You are such a fucking failure, Kyle,
you know that?
You have always been
such a fucking failure.
You sat down in the basement all night...
reading your fucking books,
thinking you are some kind
of a smart guy, but you aren't.
You fucking aren't.
And now you go and you do this?
You blow all your mother's money
like some kind of a halfwit
and then you come in here
with a fucking bomb?
You hardly even know
how to use a screwdriver!
That is how useless you are
around the house!
And now you're going
and you're building fucking bombs?
Since when did you become
such a man all of a sudden?
But you're not a man.
You're a bitch.
That's what you are.
You hear me, Kyle? You are a bitch.
You cry when we fuck,
you pasty little bitch!
And fuck you, too, Kyle!
This is all your fucking fault!
Why don't you just get it over with
and shoot yourself in the head already,
you chickenshit!
Come on. Just pull the fucking trigger!
Pull the fucking tri...
Back off, guys. Back off a little bit.
Give us some room. Little bit.
She's gone. You take a deep breath.
You keep your finger on that button.
You hear me, Kyle?
- Give me some sign that you're hearing me.
- I'm fucking hearing you.
Okay, here we go.
Let's take a seat.
Come on. That is it.
It's hard to believe
you're the calm one in the relationship.
All right.
It's okay, Kyle.
We've all been there, believe me.
You take your time.
Nobody's going anywhere.
useless - bezużyteczny
trigger - cyngiel
smart - mądry
since - od
shoot - strzelać
right - dobrze
sudden - nagły
pasty - pasztecik
reading - czytanie
money - pieniądze
house - dom
yourself - siebie
relationship - związek
books - książki
bombs - bomby
there - tam
bitch - suka
thinking - myślący
halfwit - półgłosem
night - noc
basement - piwnica
always - zawsze
anywhere - gdziekolwiek
around - na około
fucking - pierdolony
screwdriver - śrubokręt
believe - uwierzyć
breath - oddech
building - budynek
become - stają się
chickenshit - kury
finger - palec
already - już
failure - niepowodzenie
little - mało
fault - wina
going - chodzenie
button - Przycisk
hardly - ledwie
hearing - przesłuchanie
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Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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