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It strikes me
that there's a considerable
amount of bullshit going on here.
And there's just a few things that I'd like to clear up. All right?
Number one, it's not my fault
that the play was lousy. Okay?
Number two,
it sure as hell isn't my fault
that you didn't turn out to be an actress,
and the sooner you get over
that little piece of soap opera,
the better off we're both going to be.
Number three,
I don't happen to fit the role
of dumb, insensitive suburban husband.
You've been trying to lay that crap
on me ever since we moved out here.
And I'm damned if I'll wear it.
Number four... April? April!
What the hell are you doing?
Get back in the car.
No. I will in a minute.
Just let me stand here for a second.
God damn it!
April, can you please just get back
in the car and talk about this
instead of running all over Route 12?
Haven't I made it clear I don't
particularly want to talk about it, okay?
I mean, Jesus,
I'm trying to be nice
about this thing here,
for God's sake.
Oh, how kind of you.
How terribly, terribly kind of you.
Wait a minute. I don't deserve this.
You're always so wonderfully definite
on the subject of what you do
and don't deserve.
Wait a minute! Wait a goddamn... April!
Now you listen to me.
This is one time
you're not going to get away with
twisting everything that I say, April.
This just happens to be
one goddamn time
I know I'm not in the wrong here.
Christ, I wish
you'd stayed home
You're sick. I really mean
that you are sick.
And do you know what you are?
- You're disgusting.
- Oh, yeah?
You don't fool me, Frank.
Just because you've got me safely
in this little trap,
you think you can bully me into feeling
whatever you want me to feel!
You in a trap? Jesus Christ.
Don't make me laugh!
Pathetic, self-deluded little boy.
Look at you!
Look at you and tell me, how by any
stretch of the imagination
you can call yourself a man?
Jesus Christ!
yourself - siebie
twisting - pokrętny
trying - próbować
whatever - cokolwiek
three - trzy
think - myśleć
things - rzeczy
suburban - podmiejski
subject - przedmiot
strikes - uderzenia
stretch - rozciągać
stayed - został zatrzymany
sooner - szybciej
since - od
safely - bezpiecznie
running - bieganie
fault - wina
wrong - źle
jesus - Jezus
disgusting - obrzydliwy
deluded - oszołomiony
definite - określony
terribly - niemożliwie
always - zawsze
thing - rzecz
lousy - parszywy
amount - ilość
bullshit - głupie gadanie
happen - zdarzyć
stand - stoisko
considerable - znaczny
please - proszę
actress - aktorka
opera - opera
everything - wszystko
because - bo
deserve - zasłużyć
april - kwiecień
pathetic - żałosne
wonderfully - fenomenalnie
christ - Chrystus
particularly - szczególnie
about - o
little - mało
minute - chwila
second - druga
better - lepszy
husband - mąż
goddamn - przeklęty
moved - przeniósł
going - chodzenie
doing - robić
clear - jasny
listen - słuchać
happens - dzieje się
damned - cholernie
imagination - wyobraźnia
bully - tyran
number - numer
insensitive - niewrażliwy
instead - zamiast
piece - kawałek
laugh - śmiech
really - naprawdę
feeling - uczucie
frank - szczery
right - dobrze
route - trasa
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