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At the beginning of the school year
he had buried a cor jar of pennies...
underneath his house.
He drew a treasure map
so he could find them again.
A week later his mom cleaned out
his room and threw away the map.
Vern had been trying to find those pennies
for nine months...
nine months, man.
You didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
Jesus Christ, Billy, we gotta do something.
- Why?
- Who cares?
- We saw him.
- So?
It is nothin' to us. The kid's dead
so it is nothin' to him, neither.
And who gives a shit if they ever find him?
I don't.
It is that kid they're talking about
on the radio.
Brocker or Brower or Flowers,
whatever his name is.
The train must have hit him.
Big fucking deal.
We had all followed
the Ray Brower story very closely...
because he was a kid our age.
Three days before,
he'd gone out to pick blueberries
and nobody'd
seen him since.
I think we should tell the cops.
You don't go squawking to the cops
after you boosted a car.
Yet they'll gonna
want to know how the hell
how we got way out
on Back Harlow Road.
They know we don't got no car.
It's best we just keep our mouths shut,
then they can't touch us.
But we could... we could make an anonymous call.
They trace those calls stupid.
I seen it on Highway Patrol
and on Dragnet.
Yeah, right.
I just wish we never boosted
that goddamned Dodge.
I wish Ace had been with us.
- We could've told the cops he was in his car.
- Well, he wasn't!
- Are we gonna tell him?
- We're not going to tell nobody.
Nobody, never. You dig me?
I know the Back Harlow Road.
It comes to a dead end
by the Royal River.
The train tracks
are right there.
Me and my dad used to
fish for Cossies out there.
If they had known you were under there,
they would've killed you.
Could he have gotten
all the way from Chamberlain to Harlow?
That's really far.
Sure. He must have started
walking on the train tracks
and just followed
them the whole way.
Yeah, right.
And then after dark, a train must have
come along and el smako
I bet you
anything that if we find him,
we'll get our pictures in the paper.
Yeah, yeah. We could even be on TV.
- Sure.
- We'll be heroes.
whole - cały
trying - próbować
treasure - skarb
tracks - utwory
trace - ślad
story - fabuła
started - rozpoczęty
smako - smako
think - myśleć
royal - królewski
river - rzeka
right - dobrze
really - naprawdę
walking - pieszy
radio - Radio
pennies - grosze
patrol - patrol
nobody - nikt
never - nigdy
neither - ani
there - tam
school - szkoła
boosted - wzmocnione
stupid - głupi
chamberlain - szambelan
gives - daje
under - pod
brower - Brower
comes - pochodzi
buried - pochowany
christ - Chrystus
after - po
billy - menażka
brocker - brocker
again - jeszcze raz
touch - dotknąć
paper - papier
beginning - początek
anonymous - anonimowy
because - bo
squawking - squawking
followed - poszedł za nią
anything - byle co
should - powinien
calls - Połączenia
killed - zabity
whether - czy
closely - dokładnie
blueberries - jagody
flowers - kwiaty
cleaned - wyczyszczony
pictures - kino
fucking - pierdolony
before - przed
threw - rzucił
since - od
could - mógłby
goddamned - przeklęty
jesus - Jezus
dragnet - włóczek
going - chodzenie
gonna - gonna
train - pociąg
gotta - musieć
talking - mówić
about - o
gotten - gotten
underneath - pod spodem
harlow - Harlow
along - wzdłuż
heroes - Bohaterowie
dodge - unik
highway - autostrada
whatever - cokolwiek
three - trzy
those - te
known - znany
house - dom
later - później
something - coś
laugh - śmiech
months - miesiące
cares - troska
cossies - cossies
mouths - usta
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