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Our first speaker, from the state of Colorado, Senator Gary Hart.
Good afternoon. Thank you.
I came here today to talk to you about America's future.
That is what my campaign is and...
And ought to be about.
But with your permission, I'd like to address the events of the past few days,
which you, no doubt, have been discussing amongst yourselves.
Last weekend, a newspaper published a misleading story that hurt my family
and reflected badly upon my character.
The story was written by journalists
who, by their own admission, undertook a spotty surveillance.
Jesus Christ. Man the lifeboats.
Sorry, what was that?
You're doing great, Senator.
Is there something you'd like to ask me,
or does the Miami Herald prefer to chat in alleyways? - Fuck. What do we do?
I can yell, "Fire."
He's got this. - This is not a story about the Miami Herald, Senator.
It's a story about Gary Hart's judgment.
Right, sorry. Can we... Is it possible to get Mr. Martindale a microphone?
That's okay. It's not necessary.
I think it is. I'm pretty sure people would love to hear.
- Thank you. - Look, a microphone.
Yes. Yes, we stand by the essential correctness of our story.
"The..." I'm sorry, "the essential correctness"?
Yes. This is a story about a married man
who spent a little too much time with an unmarried woman.
We didn't speculate as to what went on, of course.
If I may, it was because you simply don't know,
despite hiding in the bushes outside my home.
Well, we certainly know
that you made several calls to Donna Rice on the campaign trail.
- Jesus. Oh, my God. - We know she was seen leaving your townhouse in Washington.
Was she leaving or not? Because, in your story,
you said she didn't leave my home, and now you're saying she did.
Right. Well, when we interviewed you...
No, your newsmen accosted me in my alleyway.
Listen, with all due respect... - Well, it's a little late for respect, sir.
You ambushed me outside my home in the middle of the night
after putting me under some half-baked stakeout
during which your reporters, your crack reporting team,
failed to realize that my home had a back door.
A back door? - Sir, some surveillance is no better than zero surveillance.
In fact, it's worse.
Okay. Why don't you do your job, and we'll do ours?
Well, it would be a welcome change.
Now, if I may, I'd like to...
I'd like to talk about something a little more exciting.
would - by
which - który
unmarried - niezamężna
undertook - podjął się
under - pod
journalists - Dziennikarze
prefer - woleć
family - rodzina
failed - nie
economics - ekonomia
jesus - Jezus
hiding - ukrywanie
accosted - zaczepione
listen - słuchać
reporters - reporterzy
washington - Waszyngton
herald - zwiastować
discussing - dyskusji
realize - realizować
despite - pomimo
events - wydarzenia
yourselves - się
leave - pozostawiać
worse - gorzej
interviewed - wywiad
crack - pęknięcie
stakeout - tyczenie
townhouse - kamienica
badly - źle
during - podczas
better - lepszy
after - po
future - przyszłość
great - wspaniały
donna - donna
permission - pozwolenie
exciting - ekscytujący
christ - Chrystus
little - mało
campaign - kampania
alleyway - boczna uliczka
about - o
calls - Połączenia
address - Adres
correctness - Poprawność
ambushed - przyczajony
essential - istotny
colorado - colorado
state - stan
change - Zmiana
course - kurs
night - noc
admission - wstęp
afternoon - popołudnie
reflected - odzwierciedlenie
think - myśleć
baked - pieczony
amongst - wśród
microphone - mikrofon
because - bo
spent - wydany
people - ludzie
bushes - krzaki
putting - kładzenie
right - dobrze
leaving - odejście
married - żonaty
middle - środkowy
published - opublikowany
necessary - niezbędny
miami - Miami
newsmen - reporterzy
woman - kobieta
saying - powiedzenie
misleading - zwodniczy
newspaper - gazeta
something - coś
judgment - osąd
ought - powinienem
outside - na zewnątrz
possible - możliwy
written - pisemny
reporting - sprawozdawczości
respect - poszanowanie
weekend - weekend
senator - senator
several - kilka
lifeboats - łodzie ratunkowe
simply - po prostu
stand - stoisko
sorry - przepraszam
today - dzisiaj
doubt - wątpić
surveillance - inwigilacja
speaker - głośnik
trail - ślad
certainly - na pewno
speculate - spekulować
spotty - łaciasty
welcome - witamy
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