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Come on, we gotta figure out a way
to open this thing.
This is what I get
for having a friend who can't fly.
You know what? Gates were never
a problem before I met you.
There's gotta be something we can use here.
There's that table, that lumber, those tools.
A giant knife.
- Okay, Bo. What haven't you told me?
- You been making some new friends?
- No.
I bet the miller sent them
to bring me back to the mill.
They left the gate open.
- I'll make a run for it.
Dave, you jump out and create a distraction.
What? No. Terrible plan.
Why don't you make the distraction
and I run for it?
Because I'm the one trapped in here,
and you can fly,
- as you like to keep telling me.
- All valid points.
I got a scent.
I smell a dog!
Thaddeus, there's definitely a dog here.
Oh, yeah! Yeah! Oh...
- I smell me.
- Hey! Scary dogs!
You guys here for the show?
- What show?
- What...
"What show," the silly dog asks.
You're adorable.
"The Dance of the Royal Dove," of course.
Played in Rome six years.
Great reviews.
Caesar saw it twice. Made him cry.
He won't admit that because,
you know, he's Caesar and all.
But he definitely cried like a baby.
- But I digress.
- We don't have time for this.
No! Wait! The show is about to start.
Okay. You can...
What are you doing? Don't watch me.
Aw, yeah. This bird can dance.
No, guys. Guys, guys, guys, no,
this is the best part.
Okay, there you go. They're gone.
- Where's your owner?
- Yeah! Where's your owner?
Who, the miller? I don't know a miller.
My owner's a nice pregnant lady.
You would love her.
- That's her.
- Where is she?
Wait, you're looking for Mary?
Did I say "pregnant lady"?
I meant "miller."
I'm just a mill donkey on vacation.
- Who's Mary?
- Keep talking.
Okay, that was pathetic.
Let me handle this, Bo.
Guys, donkeys are stubborn.
- Yeah. - He's not gonna tell you anything.
Sorry, guys!
- You would have to torture it out of him.
Wait, what?
- He didn't bandage himself.
- That's her scent.
Now we just gotta figure out
which way she went.
- We'll tell her you said hello.
years - lat
where - gdzie
valid - ważny
twice - dwa razy
torture - torturować
tools - przybory
those - te
thing - rzecz
terrible - straszny
telling - wymowny
stubborn - uparty
sorry - przepraszam
watch - zegarek
something - coś
silly - głupi
scent - zapach
there - tam
scary - straszny
smell - zapach
friends - przyjaciele
admit - przyznać
looking - patrząc
donkey - osioł
doing - robić
definitely - zdecydowanie
lumber - graty
thaddeus - Tadeusz
dance - taniec
anything - byle co
would - by
adorable - godny podziwu
which - który
royal - królewski
trapped - uwięziony
bandage - bandaż
digress - błądzić
course - kurs
figure - postać
great - wspaniały
miller - młynarz
talking - mówić
about - o
knife - nóż
because - bo
played - grał
gates - bramy
cried - - zawołał
before - przed
owner - właściciel
table - stół
friend - przyjaciel
donkeys - osły
bring - przynieść
gotta - musieć
meant - oznaczało
giant - ogromny
create - stwórz
gonna - gonna
distraction - roztargnienie
handle - uchwyt
having - mający
hello - cześć
himself - samego siebie
vacation - wakacje
making - zrobienie
start - początek
problem - Problem
caesar - Cezar
never - nigdy
pathetic - żałosne
points - zwrotnica
pregnant - w ciąży
reviews - Opinie
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