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Hey, Andy, what are you doing
for lunch?
I don't know.
I have a turkey sandwich.
We're gonna go around the corner.
I think you should come with us.
This is a great place.
A lot of cute girls.
We brought you a shirt.
This place is pretty fancy.
Hey, who's ready
to have some fun?
No, don't ignore me.
I know what this is.
Within one hour,
you'll each have 20 dates.
Don't... Please don't do this.
I saw this on Primetime Live.
All right, ninja master.
We've given you all the advice
we have to give.
Now you gonna put it
in action.
Advice? You guys all
gave me different advice.
- He thinks you're a pothead.
- I am.
What are you whining about?
- You asked for this shit.
- No, I didn't.
Would you just quit whining
like a bitch?
You are whining like a bitch.
And you about to cram like 10
years of pimpage into one day.
- I don't want to cram pimpage.
- Partner, after that
you're on my level. Come on.
- Hi.
- Hi. How are you?
I'm fine.
- Are you fine?
- Yeah.
You're fine then?
Are you fucking retarded? What
the hell's the matter with you?
Do you want me to be
fucking retarded?
When I look into the eyes of
the children and the parents
and they are smiling
and saying,
"Thank you, Dr. Montalban,
you saved my child",
it was worth it.
- Amy, what are you doing here?
- David.
- And you are Gina?
- Gina.
- Hey, what's up?
- Nothing.
Look, I'm going to be
real honest with you.
It's been a long time
since I've been with a man.
Spent a lot of time
with the ladies.
Looking to get back up
on that pogo stick.
- You know what I'm saying?
- Excuse me.
Remember that time when we made
love and you just, you cried in my arms?
Please don't reminisce about
the times we fucked, please.
- It's so creepy.
- Let's go to Paris.
I want to take you underneath the
Eiffel Tower and make love to you.
- Cut it out.
- Cut what out?
This go to Paris! We've been
broken up for like two years, man.
I don't want to
date you anymore.
You're a whore.
I am not a whore.
I just didn't like you.
This is so us.
- Psycho talk.
- What?
- You're a good-looking man.
- Thank you.
Very pretty.
Real soft, delicate features.
You're real feminine, you
know, which is good for me
because that would be
a simple sort of transition.
You know what I'm saying?
Maybe throw a little rouge
on you, tuck your sac back.
- You game?
- No.
You need to stop fucking
around with my friend, okay?
Because you're giving him hope,
and it's driving the man crazy.
I moved, I changed my e-mail
address, my phone number.
Okay, he's practically
stalking me.
Well, I didn't know all that.
So, I'm sorry.
would - by
worth - wartość
within - w ciągu
lunch - lunch
nothing - nic
tower - wieża
saying - powiedzenie
going - chodzenie
moved - przeniósł
smiling - uśmiecha się
fucking - pierdolony
girls - dziewczyny
fucked - fucked
great - wspaniały
delicate - delikatny
years - lat
number - numer
excuse - pretekst
given - dany
maybe - może
practically - praktycznie
feminine - kobiecy
because - bo
david - dawid
reminisce - opowiadać wspomnienia
gonna - gonna
children - dzieci
anymore - już
bitch - suka
saved - zapisane
after - po
different - różne
parents - rodzice
ready - gotowy
stalking - myślistwo
times - czasy
about - o
action - czynność
little - mało
level - poziom
advice - rada
driving - napędowy
asked - spytał
crazy - zwariowany
broken - złamany
ladies - damski
throw - rzucać
child - dziecko
pothead - pothead
fancy - fantazyjny
rouge - róż
around - na około
corner - kąt
place - miejsce
looking - patrząc
ignore - ignorować
cried - - zawołał
honest - szczery
changed - zmienić
dates - daty
phone - telefon
primetime - godziny największej oglądalności
underneath - pod spodem
brought - przywiezione
master - mistrz
matter - materia
montalban - montalban
ninja - ninja
paris - Paryż
partner - partner
address - Adres
thinks - myśli
since - od
pimpage - pimpage
creepy - przerażający
please - proszę
friend - przyjaciel
pretty - ładny
psycho - psychol
remember - zapamiętaj
giving - dający
retarded - niedorozwinięty
right - dobrze
sandwich - kanapka
shirt - koszula
should - powinien
simple - prosty
stick - kij
sorry - przepraszam
spent - wydany
doing - robić
thank - podziękować
think - myśleć
which - który
transition - przejście
turkey - indyk
eiffel - eiffel
features - cechy
whining - jęk
whore - kurwa
Kliknij słowo lub podświetl zwrot, by zobaczyć jego tłumaczenie.
Kliknij przycisk plusa, by dodać słowo/zwrot do nauki.
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